Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Preface. ti-rde/y, as the want of the Love of God expreffeth it Privative- ly; and all our fin is fummarily in thefe two:. Even 4$ all' our Hblinefs isfurnmarily in the Love of God and in felf-denyal. It is the work of the Holy Ghoft by fanRifyinggrace to bring ofthe foul again fromSelf to God. Self-denyd therefore is half the efence of SanRification. No man bath any more Holinefs, then he hath Self-denyal. And therefore the Law, (which the SanEti- fying Spirit writeth on the heart) doth fet up God in the firil Table, and our neighbour in the fecond, againft the ufurpatiou andencroachment of this Self. It faith nothingof Love or Duty to our felVes fuch e xprefly. In feeking the Honour and Pleating of God, and the Goodof our neighbour, wefhailmoftcertainly findour own Felicity, which nature teacheth us to cle{ifc. co that a the Law is F in Love, which inctudeth Self-denyal, as Lightincludeth theexpulfion ofdarknefs, or rather as Loyalty inclt4detha Cefationof Rebellion, anda rejection of theLeaders it, and as conjugalfidelity includeth the rejectionof Harlots. The very meaning of the firft Commandment is [Thou (halt Love theLord thy Godwith all thyheart, &c.] which is thefumof the fir(I' Table , and the Commandment that animareth all the rift. The 'very meaning of theTaff Commandment is [Thou fhalt Love thy neighbour as thy felt.] which is thefummaryof thefe- cond Table, and inGeneral forbiddeth all particular injuries to ethers, not enumerated in theforegoing precepts, andfecondarily animateth the four antecedent precepts. The fifth Commandment looking toboth Tables, and conjoyning them , commandeth us to Honour our Superiours in Authority; both as theyare the Officers f God,andfoparticipativelyDivine, and as they are the Heads of humane Societies, and ourfubjettion necefary to Common good,fo that Self denyal is principally required in the firft Command- ment, that is, The denying of felf ASOppOfite to God, and his In- tereft. And fell- denyal is required in the Laft Commandment; that is, The denying of felf a it is an- enemy to our neighbours Right and well-fare, and woulddraw from him untoour felves. Self-love andfelf-feeking as oppofire to our neighboursgood, is the thing forbidden in that Commandment : and Charity or Loving cur neighbour as our felves, and defiringhis Welfare as our own, is the thing commanded. Self-denyal is required in the fifth. Com-