Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Z4,44le,4it3/4,64-3 (4.)C.1)/_pr,i,C.15 coryric,- cicr) IS"?T7-it? 1.1461 tr 1979 The Preface. Readers : Here prefent to your feriOus confideration , a Subjet7 of ludo Neceffity and Confequence, that the Peace alid lately of Churches , Na- tions, far4lies and fouls do lie upon it. The _Etern: l God was the Beginning and the End, the intertfl., theattraHive, the confldence , the defre, the delight , the All of man in his up right uncorrupted State. Though the Creator plaited in m. ns Nature the principle of Natural Self-love, as the fpring of his endeavours for Self-prefcrvation, mnd a notable part of the en- gine by which he g(verneth the world, yet were the parts fubfer- vient to the Whct , and the whole to God : And Self-love didfish_ ferve the Love of the llniverfe, and of God : andman defired his own Prefervaticn, fora thefe higher Ends. When fin flept in , it brake this order : and taking advantagefrom the natural innocent principle of felf-love, it turned manfrom the Love of God, and much abatedhis L6ve to his neighbour and the puilickfood, and turned him to Himfeif by an inordinate felf-love, Which termi- naieth in liimfelf, and principally Carnal-felf, infiead of God and the Common good : fo that Self is become All to Corrupted nature, ts Codwas All to Nature in its integrity. Seltifinnef$ is the fouls Ardelatry, and Adultery the fuel of its Original and increafed Pravity,,he Beginning and End, the life and f1rength of aRualfin : even as the Love of God is the Reditude and Fide- lity of the foul ;',.rnd the firm'of all our lllecial Grace , and the fle(,rt of the NewCreature, and the life and firength of aHual holinTs. Selfifhftefs in one word expreffetball our Averf;on PoJi- (d)