Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

LuKE 9. 23,24. And be_laid to them all, 1 f any man will come after me let him deny himfelf, and take up his Croft daily and followme : For wbofoerver willfal,e his life (hall lofe it : but wholoerver will lofe his life for my lake, thefamefhall lave it. CHAP. I. What selfilbnefs and self-denyal are; at the Root. reifi,/0 HAVE already fpoken of Converfion in the foregoing Difcourfe, both opening to you the true nature of it, and the reafons of its ne- ceffity; and perfwading men thereunto. But left fo great a work fbould mifcarry with any for want ofa more particular, explication I fbould next open the three great parts of the work diflinCtly and in order : that is, 1. From what it is that we muff Turn : 2. To whomwe mull Turr. : 3 . F, rd By whomwe mull Turn. For though I touched all thefe in the foregoing Di- reetions, and through the difcourfe ; yet I am afraid let fo brief a touch shouldbe uneffeetual. - The fir(} of theft I (hall handle at this tic from th;s Trxr.,