Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

What Selfifhnefs andSelldenyal are at the Root. z. The difeafe of ftlfifhnefs lyeth not in having a Body that is capable of tailing fweetnefs in the creature, or in having the Objets of our fence in which we be delighted, nor yet in all aual fweetnefs and delight in them ; nor in a fimple love of life it felf : For all thefe are the effeds of the Creators Willa And therefore this felf-denyal doth not confill in ahatred or difregard of our own lives deftruttion ofour appetites or fenfes, or an abfolute refu' fal to pleafe them in theufe of the creatures , which God hath given us. 3. Yea though our Natures are corrupted by fin, felf-denyal requireth not that we fhould kill our felves, and deftroy our hu- mane natures that we may thereby defiroy the fin. Self-murder is a moll hainous fin, which God condemneth. 4. Our fpiritualfelf,or felfas fandified mull not be fo denyed, as to deny our (elves tobe what we are , or have what we have, or do what we do : we may not deny Gods Graces ; nor deny that they are in us as the fubje&, nor may we reftrain the holy defires which God exciteth in us ; or deny to fulfill them; or bring them towards fruition,whenopportunity is offered us. 5. We may not deny to accept of any mercy which God Ilan offer us, though but acommon creature : nor to ufe any talent for his fervice if he choofe us for hisRewards ; much lets may we refute any fpiritual mercy, that may further our Sal.. vation: It is not the felf-denyal required by Chrift, that wede- ny to be Chriflians, or to be fandified by the (pint, or to be delivered from our fins and enemies ; or that we deny to ufe the means and helps that are offered us, or to accept of the pri. viledges purchafed by Chria : Much lefs to deny our falvation it felf,and to undo our own fouls. In a word,-it is not any thing that is really and finally to our hurt or lofs. But ( as to the Affirmative ) I null chew you what the di- feafe of felfifhnefs indeed is; and fo what [elf denyal is. r. When God had created man in his own Image, he gave him a holy difpofition of foul, which might incline him to his iliaksr as his only Felicity andVItintate End : He rrilde him to be bleficd in the light of his Glory, and in the everialling Love of God , and delight in him and praiCes of him. This excellent em- ployment and glory didGod both fit him for ,and fet before him. z but B