Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Re Afins ofthe Neceffity of Self-deny41 to falvatione upour felves to be his people, But this no man can do without felf-denyal. For by all that I have Paid in the defcription of it, youmay fee that felfiihnefr is mofi contrary to God, and would rob him of all his high Prerogatives, and God fhould be no God, if the felfifh firmer had his will and he doth not heartily .content that he fhall be God to him. I have formerly told you, that /elf is the God of wicked men, or the worlds great Idol And that the inordinate Love of Pleafure, Profits and Honour, in Trinity, is all but this Pelf love in Unity ; and that in the Malignant Trinity of Gods enemies the flefh is the firli and foundation, the world the fecond, and the Devil the third Every man is an Idolater fo far as he is felfifh. God is not a bare name : He that takes away his Effence or Attributes and Pre- rogatives, and yet thinks he believeth in him, becaufe he leaveth him his Name and Titles, doth as bad as they that let up an Image, and worfhip that inflead of God, or that worfhip the Sun or Moon as Gods, becaufe they fomewhat reprefent his Glory : for lure a bare Name hath as little fubftance as an Image ; much leis can you fay it hath more then the Sun. Now felfifh ungodly men do all of them rob God, and give his ho- nour and prerogatives to themfelves, and put him off with empty Titles : They call him their God, but will not have him for their End, their Portion and Felicity, nor give him the firongefl Love of their hearts : They will not take him as their Abfolure Owner, and devote themfelves and all they have to him, and fiand with a willing mind to his Difpofe. They will not take him for their Soveraign, and be Ruled by him, nor deny themfelves for him, nor leek hishonour and intereft above their own. They call him their Father, but deny him his ha.. pour; and their Mailer, but give him not his fear, Mal, They depend not on his hand, and live not by his Law, and to his Glory ; and therefore they do not take him for their God. And can you expert that God fhould lave thole that deny him and would dethronehim ? that is, his very enemies. Real. z. Yea more then fo ; God will not lave thofe that make themfelves thei7 own gods, when they have re:jelledhim. But all thefe unfanetified fe/j5jh men, do make themfelves their own ads for in all the ten particulars before mentioned, they take to