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9= í phefians,Chap.i, VER.7. my confciencc condemningofmee, from the life andpoweroffinne, which is the deathofthe foule,fromall miferies and death, whichcome inas a wagesoffinne. rfe ez This then fhould flirreus up to feeke remiffion offin,it is tobe redee- med or fet free from all evill, to get our fin forgiven; therefore David faith, Ble/fedú theman wholefinisforgiven, towhamGodimputeth notfin. Look as Malefactors will turn every (lone, makeall their friends they have, to get a pardonfor their lives ; fo would we beflirre us to get this pardon, which once gotten, we fhallbe fure to have in Gods time all teares wiped fromour eyes, we(hall fee our felvesdelivered from all evill. Obferve fecondly , that every beleever in Chrift receiveth forgive- neffe of his finnes; though by nature weare in our finnes, lie inevill of guilt and punifhment, yet once gettingfaith on Chrifts bloud, weare juflified, we have forgiveneffe offin, and areaccepted as righteous to life, through Chrift hisobedience ; though theone is named,yet the o- ther isby a Synecdoche to be conceived : Even as Kings to fhew their clemency in entring their reignes, they giveout free pardons tomany kinde oftrefpaffes : So God toglorifie his mercy,it pleafeth him togive us in Chrifl, the forgiveneffe of all our finnes. My meaning here is to fpeake precifely of remiffion of finne, as it isdiftingui(hed from impu tang righteoufneffe, whichI conceive asa diftin t part, concurring in our juflification. About this then wewill inquirethree points. a. In what order we have it. 3. What is the extent or latitude ofit in refpeel of finne and pu- nifhment. 3. Howwe who have it, canbe faid tobelievethe remiffionofour frnnes. I For the firft, as the fupreame power of faving or deftroying iswith God, fo ofremitting and holding finneunremitted ; We are therefore toconceive our remiffion, firfl ofall,as in the gracious purpofeof God toward us, who knoweth on whom he will havemercy, and whom he will harden,as we thus had in Gods eternal' purpofe,fowehave it given us in time by way of execution ; Firfl we have it given to Chrift our Head, for us all ; for he being made finne for us,evenas a furety,having all our debt layd on him, he could not5e railedup till now all our fins were done away; Ergs,Faul,; Cor.5 r. faith, That ifChrift merenot On, we wereflillin ourfinnnes;where he makeththe cleering ofus al from fin, and Chrifl his refurration, to be accompanied one with the other : Againe, God did reconcile the world, not imputing finnes in Chrift, which could not be without remitting all their finnes for whom his Chrift did undertake. Beides, werenot our finnes forgiven in him, we could notbe railed up,fet in heavenly places with him ; for before we can have quickning given us in Chrift, we muff have pardonoffinne i givenus. Further, what did Chrifl fhed his blond for, but that he might aEìu- ally