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VER. 7. Epbeflan.r,Chap. I. ally get the pardon ofour finnes r Finally,he doth diftribure nothing to us,which by vertueofhis obedience he receivethnot for us. In the third place this remiffion is communicated fromChrift tous in manner following. r. Chrift fendethhis miniflers, as Legates, with the word ofrecon ciliation or pardon, invitingthem tobelieve on him, that theymay re. ceive forgiveneffe offinne. z. He doth worke together by his fpirit, making thofe who are his childrenbelieve on him ,that theymay finde forgiveneffe in him. 3. Hee doth communicate withthem the forgiveneffe which himfel had procured and obtained for them : Thus even as condemnation was firft within the pleafure of God ; fecondly, come forth againft Adam, and us all in him ;thirdly, is communicated aélually from .idam tous, what time we cometo beborne of Adam : Soon the contrary, our jufti,- ficationor remiffionof finne is firft with God ; fecondly,inChrift, who hath by his obedience obtained for us the remiffion ofall our finnes; thirdly,it is communicated tous when foever weare fupernaturally be- gottenof him,thatis,brought to believe:He that believeth inborn of God; for though we have not juflificationaCìnally applied before we are cal- led to faith,yet we doe receive it vertually in Chrift, when he was quit from all our finnes, as it is in Adamwhowas his type ; for though con- demnation is not actually applied till weare borne of him, yet in vertue hiscondemnation wasthe condemnation ofus all. And by the way,we may feeherehow God forgivethfinnes,how Chrift the Mediator, how the Minilters: Godby the principal I and prime authority ; the Mediator God,indepen by a fecondary derived authority ; Man,by a minifteriall publication of dente exglobe. the wordof pardon ; for Chrift Bothnot minifterially declare pardon, therep"m'e ' the Mediator even as heis man ; for though he be a fervant and fubjeét as Mediator, exeommipa,e: yet he is fuch afervant as hath an under power ofjudgement : ThePa- Man,exmx;- ther giveth all judgement to the Sonne,he judgeth none himfelfe :Such (laic a fervant as my Lord Chancellor is tohis Majefty, not fuch a fervant as an ordinary or fpeciall meffenger in forgiving firmest Then conceive it thus,as in citing one to appeare, theoriginali authority is the Kings, the under authority is with the Iudge ofthis or that Court, theMinifteriall authority in the meffenger, which doth carry and ferve the Writ ; and the meffenger may be Paid to fetch fucha man up, not becaufe any au- thority in himdoth it, but the Writ he carrieth, as a frgne, bath autho- rity to doeit ; fohere God firff pardoneth, as having the primeand o- riginall authority ; then Chriff as chiefe Judge under God, in the Court ofChancery, that Throne of Grace ; theMinifters as meffengers par- don, becaufe they difpenfe the word ofGod, and Chrift,whichgiveth pardon, andhath authority to giveir.But this bythe way. The fecond point followeth, concerning the fubjed ofthis forgive- s nrffe,how far it is tobeextended.I anfwer,itis to be extended to all our fins paff,before our conver(ions, following after our converfions,to the whole guilt or blame,&to the whole punifhmentof them:Wemuff not think that only finspall are forgiven,but al the fins which fflal efcape us through l 93