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32 VERSA. 4. 8phefians,Chap.i, `TE R,4, Who hstb elutedus : ] Now he dothprofecute the DodrineofGods benefits,which were fummarily propounded, andproveth that hefpake by particular enumeration; firft, ofbenefits before alltimes, which we have fo in Chrift, that we have them through him ; Secondly, ofthole benefits whichwe have fo in Chrift,that we have them allo for his fake, andthrough him, as he fpeaketh in the 7. verle, changing his phrafe,in whamwe have rediption,throughhis blond. Theformer are two.r.Eledtion in this verfe.z.Predeftination in the5.and6.verfes. In this verfe weare to marke thefe things. 1. The fpirituall bleffing, as he bathelected. 2. The perforashere laid to be elected, (ue)3. The perfon in whom, (inhim) 4. The time. S. The end. Firft,toopen the meaningofthem,and then tocome tothe inftrudtion to he deduced. Firft, for Eledtion, it is put fometime for that eledtion which is made in temporary executionofGods purpofe,whether it be a feparating of men tothe frate of Grace, which maketh them as the cho- fen firft fruits ofthe creature;thus it is taken, ¡oh» ¡g.19.Theworldhateth you becaufeI have chofen you outoftheworld,and thus, r.Pet. the elellofthedi(ßerfion, feemeth tobe underftood : ora feparating ofthem toany officeor dignity, as Saul; yea, Judeamight in this fenfe be faid (chofen.) But heere he fpeaketh ofthat choyfe which God made with himfelfefrom all eternity,as is manifeff. Secondly, By theperlons (us,) he meanethhim lelfe withtholeEpbe- fians whichhe had called Saints and beleevers,ver. r. In him.] Is diverfly conftrued; firft,in him, that is in God the Sonne, not confideredas God_man, Head and Mediator ofthe Church, butas fecond Perfon,Godwith the Father. Thus all things arelaid created, in, or byChrift;not that he is confidered asMan-God in this worke,but be- caufe Chrift God-Man as the Sonne ofGod, Godwith the Father and Spirit,as that perfon bywhom allthingsare isplaine, he dothconfider Chrift as we arebleffed in him, in regard ofboth na- tures, even ashe hath God for his God by covenant; In himwho hath God for his God and Father,we are blefled. Some make this(i»Chrif)not tobe referred tothatadtìonofelection, but tothe end, in this fen((e; He bath chofen winChrifI, that wefboaldbe holy, that is, he hath chofenus that we fhouldbe holy in Chrift; but be- fides the harfhnes, it is impertinent, though a truth; for, his fcope is to prove,not that in Chriftwe are madeholy,but that we have this blefling ofeledtion in Chrift. Some take (in Chrift,) as if itbelonged tothe perlons elected,in this fenfe,as he hath chofenus now by faith inChrift,to that fore-fight ofhis which beholdeth all things asprefent,which are to come;but this is be- fide the fcope ofthis Scripture, which intendeth not to lay downe our union with Chrift by faith,but Gods elebting Chrift;Ergo,Inhim, mutt needs belong to the adtionof Eledting, not that objet about which it is exercifed. Inhim.] Therefore noteth, Chrift God-man, as the head and firft Eledt,after whom,and in whom all ofus his body (for order ofNature) are