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V E R.4. Epbejan.r, Chap. r. 33 areeluted :fo that this phrafc noteth the order in which we come tobe eleeked,not the cause ofeleâtion. For the time,there are 3.phrafes which feemetonote the fame thing: T,.,..s. r . From the beginning: z. Beforeworlds 3.Before:ha foundation ofthe world. Theft all may note that eternall love ofGodtoward us;thereunderftand nothing but ct.rnity ; but becaufe within eternity God doth forefee the things which aredonein time,and therefore though hechofe from eter- nity,nothing hindereth (as Come thinke) but that hemight forefee fouie thing whereupon to choofe;therefore this phrafe may be extendednot onelyto refpeét the adult creation,but theDecree it felfeofthe worlds being:to this fcnfe,that he chofe his inorder of nature,beforebyhis De- cree helaid the foundationof the world. Theend is all one with falvation elfewhere named;for,love made per- fed is the formallbleffednefle welooke forin heaven : itis nothing elfe but the fupernaturallbcing and life of a Chriftian, which is begun in Grace, perfelted inglory. The fame ofthefe words more amply is this: Bleedbe hewho bath blessed so inChrifl,with every f iritrcall blefi'ing: As for example; First he bath with himfelffet his liking onus,chofen us before others;us,I fay,who nowbeleeve on Chrift,andare faniti- fled byhis fpirit; this hisElel ion,beginning first at Chrift our Head, and fo defcending downewardonus his members,in him:and thishis Grace was towards us before there wasany world; yea, for order of nature before hisdecree did lay the foundation oftheworld, that to which he hath elefted being no Ieffe then falvation, that glorious life oflove, which begun here, Chat oneday be made fpotlefs and perfect before him. Now to come to the Do knine hence to be deduced. First, We fee what isa bleffìng worthy all thankfulneffe, even this of Della. our election:l pram Godalwayes, who bath eleifedyoufrom the beginning: This is theroote,out ofwhichall thefebleflings grow,which in time we partake;even as thebody and bough and branchesofthe tree ifl'ue from theroot, and are borne upby the fame, Ergo, this is in nature, and inS. Pails reckoning,before predeftination it felfe. Foras firftlagreeupon this end, I will helpa ficke man to recoverhis health, beforeI determine to fend for any Phyfrtian: fo here,God doth firft by eleétionchoofeto the end,and agree on that in order ofnature,before he predeftinate meanes, by whichhe will moft certainly bring to this end. Forthe' betterunder- standing ofthis benefit,two things (hall be briefly opened. r. Whatit is. 2. Why God the Father ishere faid cnely toeleót. For the First, the common matter which dothconcur to the beingof this benefit, is love; a love which God hath tous tobring us to that life, which is above na- ture; therefore fometime Gods choofing, isexpreffed byloving, I have loved lacoh,and hatedEfeu,that is,not yeeldedEfau that meafureof love, which the Hebrewescalled hating.But there is a further thing inEleEtiô, which doth difference it from love, and that is a'refpecl which is inthis Ari eo0arive love,whereby it is caned to fome,before other force it fo loveth Come oiintrilae hatit rejeCtethother force from having part in it. Duo.7.7.1 how loved formalitats re. tee thee Ntune.