Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

4404444444.444,444,44 t S + +4 +WM 44+ READER, He Reverend Althoff), of this 1'reatif e is already known to the fret by his for- mer Labours, which clo give fo faire a charaEier of his worth , and befpeakof thee, fo ready an entertainment of this excellent piece that were it not, that in this glut of books wherewith the world is cloyed, it might be unhappily buried out of thy fight ; We neither need, nor fhould prefix thefe few lines, tanquam digitum indicem, to point thee to it The fub, e i about which it is converf antis of noblef t rant e; viz. The Covenant of Almighty God with Man-kind, znhich is d f engui f ht into it's lindes;of Works,of Grace.And this againe, according to the f everal formes or modes thereof, Old, and New, which how they refpeCiively take hands land agree,wherein they !bale hands, and part. What the terms ofthe Covenant ofGrace are,as propound- ed by God , and what the conditions on mans part whereupon he (being thereunto reJonf al) becomes trimly a confederate ; what is the amplitude andcom- prehen iveneff thereof in refJe6i ofthe perfons that .' have right ofclaime to the priviledges or interefis of it, are all let firth in their varior 'colours, and fe drawne to the life, that thy f] not iiAe to be tired With