Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

To the Reader. with reading ; but led on with an appetite foTharp and quick that when thou arriveji at the end, thou wilt complain of theJhortnef e of `the way. For in the do5ritre of the Covenant truly flated, an Qrtho dox Faith' bath fire foundation thence praCiic godlineffè receives powerful influence and obligation. Thereby very many error rs of feveral forts ofErro. mays by a tef e dr ftandard are re5i feed, or difcove- red; from thence our Sacraments do as it were- re- ceive afonl,and thofe pertinent and f afonable digref - Jions fúllowing in this book,concerning -the necety of is )(WedMin ery, &c. do by confequence receive both f i rend t and ufefulneffe. As concerning the rem Ines of a f mer controverfie about Pxd abaptii r,which are'.prefented to thee i,ì this Book, they are not ont of their own placeib a reatife of the Covenant.We(hall not adventure to fay any more thereabout; but in imi -, tation of that of Mr. Hooker in the Preface to his Ecclefiáticall P oIitie,jball crave to re =minde all agitatours of that or any other controverf e , That the time will come, when a few words delivered with meekneff of fitif°1ome, fhàil afford the -more romfori, then great von am s written witlìfcornefnt- nefe, and in the ffrment of a fower and angry flirit; for 'tis an honour to as y man to be a Slave to another mans rea(on and Mafie ofhis own pa ions, vale. Thine n the Lord Jefus, Richard Vine,. .i' un. F ilher.