Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

I 2 The Covenant of Work; Chap.( 7, Rea(ons evin cing a necefíity of fuch an e- ftahli(hed Mì- niftery. Seventhly , It is farther cleared by:that hand of Providence that hath anfwerably provided in all ages men for this work in a confiant fucceffion, No age fence the Apoffles have wanted them; I fay not that there was a Miniftery in every age , in equal purity and .luftre; yet all ages held up that order: and Papacy when the Miniftery was laid molt low, found out thofe that were faithfull to Cbrift Jefus. Some fet Providence fo high, that they make it a rule without a rule of life, as well as Scriptures ; me thinks it might be confeft that it gives force light to doubtful' Scriptures; the analogy ofFaith being held firme , fomewhat might be ga- thered from it. To give inflance in thofe Scriptures which feem to bear witnefl'e of a glorious call of the Jewes,whichmoil receive, and force queftion. Now God fo ordering that in the revoluti- on of fo many ages , that they ftill continue a diftinct people fe- parate from others ; not joyning in their worfhip, but retaining í}i11 their own and keeping up the Scriptures of the Old Tefla- ment, when no fuch thing can be Paid of any captivated difperfed people : This feemesto fpeak that they wait for, and as it were, expect when the vaile may be takes that they may retttrre to the Lord. But here Providence feconding fuch clear Texts of Scripture ( fuch thatleave not a doubt behinde them, unleffe men Phut their eyes againft the Sun) may Pure be acknowledged to be an additional demonftration. For reafons of the neceffity of fuch an eltablifhed Miniftery to be continued in conitituted Churches. 1. The Church of God is to continue, and have its abode through all ages of the world ; as long as a world is to continue, fo long a Church is to continue in which God may have glory by Chrift Jefus, Ephef. 3.21. and therefore compared to a moun- tainè; as for eminence, fo for continuance, P¡al. 1a. i, to an houle built by Ch rift himfelf on a rock againft which the gates of hell (hall not prèvaile. Now a Miniftery and a Church can- not be feparated ; it is of the integrality , if not of the effence of it. A Church fetled by a Miniftery, may continue being, though in much imperfection fometime, without a Miniftery, but will foon be without being. This is confeft of all that would holdup a Church in being; whether Claflical, Independent, orPresby- terial. They,,that would level a Miniftery, which is the work of many ; They would level all Churches upon earth ; They would