Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. t y. and the Covenant of Grace. fue, which gave the Apoftles meeting at Milettim, Aefs zo. 17. f ohn (who lived l ongeft of the Apoftles, and wrote bis Revelati- on towards the ending of his dayes in the i-{le of Pathmos,. Rev. 1. 9- in his banifhment there for the teflimony of yefus Chrifl ;) writes feveral Epiflles to the Angels of the feverall refpeetive Churches in Afia, which Angelswere to be his furvivors, and are not denied by any to be Minifters of thofe feveral City - Churches there mentioned ; Whether thefe Churches were fuch as have -been called Diocefan, Presbyterial, or Congregational , is not here to be queftioned ; but that they were Minifters appointed o- ver their feveral charges, is out of queftion. Fifthly, This appears by the charge given for refpeet and e- fteem to be given to thofe who thus flood up in fucceflïon in fuch eftablifhed Churches, 1 T hef. 5. 12, 13. We beJeech you,brethren, to k oW them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, . and admonifh you , and to efieem them very highly in love for their Work! fake. Phil. 2. 29. Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladnejj'e, and hold Inch in reputation. Obey them that have the rule overyou, and/ubmit your felves ;. for they watch for your fouls, as they that mu(i give an account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you , Heb. 13. 17. Thefe were not to be reviled , railed upon ; but reverenced, honour - ed and obeyed ; and an Order not in being, is not to be thus honoured. Sixthly, It appears by the Ordinance of the Lord Jefus for their lively -hood and fubfiftence, i Cor. 9. 13,14. Do ye not know that they which miuifier abosst holy things , live of the things of the Temple r and they which wait at the Altar, are partakers With the altar ? E&eu fo bath the L'rd ordained, that they which' preach she Go #el , Mould live of the Co(pel. Here we finde three things implied, ( i.,) That there was a particular Order of men in the time of the Law, feparated by God for the Minifteriall work , and defigned by his efpecial appointment for that bu- fineffe. ( 2.) That there is a proportionable Ordinance of Chrin in Gofpel -times of fete& men for that bufineffe. (3. ), That maintenance by Gods appointment was de- figned as for one, fo for both in their refpeaive times and fuccefion: Seventhly, 119