Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

I 32 Objet"l. The Covenant of Works Chap. t 8. Ecclef. i "z. others heard the doetrine, and as fons received the in- ftruaions of the Prophets as well as they, yet the title is given pe- culiarly to fome, who in a pecular way were feparate for that work, not common to all men, much leffe women. Betides, the word Scholler is plainly in relation to Schooles, men may learne Chrift and be his difciples,is confeft; though not this way Schol- 1ers. I know no Schooles of the Prophets in the NeW Te(lament, but the particular congregation oft-brill lefus. t Cor. 14. Bloody tenent, page 174 The Author eafily fees the anfwer to be returned to . his text quoted of the pouring out of gifts in a way miraculous, both for interpretation of Scriptures and Languages, without any Schooles or breeding in an Univerfîty- way,therefore he queftions Whether it be any thing butfin that bath dried up this current of the Spirit in thofe rare gifts of tongues to Gods Tonnes and daughters, fer- ving fo admirably both for the underflanding of the Original Scri- ptures, and alfo for the propagating of the name ofCbrifl. Who knows but that it may pleafe the Lord again to cloath his People With a Spirit of zeale and courage for the name ofChrifi, yea and poure forth thole fiery flreams again of tongues, and prophecy in the reftauration of Zi- on ? I am glad to hare it confeffed, that finne is difpleafing to God, and that any judgement on the Church, is confeft to be let in at this gate ; Jam glad farther to hear that tongues ferve fo admirably to propagate the name of Chrift, whence I inferre, Thirdly, that while this judgement for fin continues, there is a neceffity of other courfes to attaine this, that is acknowledged of this excellency , fince the judgement was on the earth for fin , men have got their bread with labour, and fo muft as long as the judgement remaines. The like paines muft be for learning as for a living; when God (hall pleaié to poure out again thefe fiery ftreams, we then (hall confeffe the unufefulneffe of Schooles to this purpofe,' in the mean (pace their ufe is evident. And feeing it is your acknowledgement that men muff digge with daily ftu- dy and labour to come at the Original fountaines; let none be like Pharaoh to urge a tale of brick, and deny ftraw. If they muft thus digge, let them not be neceffìtated to go to the Papifts to fharpen their :fpades, as fometimes Ifraelto the Philiftines with their goads ttnd mattocks. That will be, if their Schooles be kept up,and ours cried down. For your inflance in Mr. Ainfworth, wha