Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

(Chap. î 8. and the Covenant of Grace. 133 who, you fay, hadfcarce his peer among a thoufand Academians for the .cripture.Originals , and yet he fc.ircefet foot within a Colledge walls. His abilities in the tongues is evident ( which was his Ma- iler- piece) but his education I know not, but one Swallow makes not a Spring. I have known a man excellent in the moft exqui- fite manual trade, who yet never ferved a Matter to learn it yet this never took man off the way of Apprentifhips If Mr. Alf- worth fcarce fet foot in a Colledge walls , yet he reaped the fruit of their labours that there fludied , and this way excelled. Is this the honour that you profeffe to give to Schooles for Tongues and Arts , to perfwade men not to fet their foot within them ? Another goes yet here farther, not only to put down Schooles, and demolifh Academies for learning , but to deny any necefíity or ufe of learning at all : Now Scriptures are trap flatect f or ;u; yea, any neceflity of a Miniflery for interpretation of Scripture, as the Compaffionate Samaritane , pag. 29, 30, 31. One intereft (among others by him named) of Minifters, ù (faith he) to perfwade the people, that the Scriptures, though we have them in our tongue., are not yet to beunderflooel by au, without their help, and interpretation that in ¡fed we are in the fame condition with tbo; e we have fo long pitied,that are forbid to have the Scriptures in their own tongue; for it is all one,not to have them in our own tongue, and to be made be-1 leeve that we cannot and rRand them,tbough we have them in our own. is the cabinet op-n to us ? and do we yet Want a key ? has fo much la- bour been fpent? fo many tranflations extant , and are we yet to fee,? Let us argue a little with them; eit' er the Scriptures are not rightly tranfl eted or elfe they are ; if they are not , why have we not been told fo all this while ? Why have we been cheated into Errours ? If they are rightly tranflated why fhould not Englifhmen underftand them ? The idiomes and proprieties of the HebreW and Greeklanguages ,Which fame fay , cannot word for word be expreßt in Englifh might all this while have been trap Elated into as many Englifh words,as will carry the fenf thereof For the dilemma concerning the Scriptures righty tranflated, or not rightly ; I may apply that of lob, chap. 6. verf, 15; How forcible are right words', but what dothyour arguing reprove ? and anfwer in a word that they are rightly according to the reach of a humane work, and more rightly then the tranfi. S 3 lation, Objeít.