Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. z 2 . The Old and New Covenant. 157 C HAP. XXII. The dijiribution of the Covenant of Grace into the old and New Covenant with the harmony and agree- ment that is found between them. 1JY Golfs afììharce we have been thus far carried on in the work in hand, to finde out the nature of a Covenant and Gods way of entring Covenant with man, And for the more clear difcovery of both we have held forth the agreement which is found between the Covenant of Works which God entred with man in his Efate of integrity and the Covenant of Grace entred of God with man in his fallen condition as alto their refpeftive differences : So that all that is effentiall in this Covenant, (and neceffarily required to the attainment of the priviledges and mer- cies promifed in it) bath been made known, and a compleat de- finition given with fuch corollaries and inferences that have been judged neceffary. Now this Covenant thus entred with man in his lapfed eftate, and hitherto cleared admits ofdiftinc4ion, and is diftinguifhed in Scripture by the names of the Old and New Covenant,Heb,8.13. The ferJt and jecond Covenant, Heb. 8.7. The fluff fame call, and not unfitly a Covenant of Promife ; under that Covenant Chrift was known in promifes only and not manifefted in the flefh ; others call it a fubfervient Covenant, being to lead in the fecond,in its full luffre and glory,which above they call a Covenant ofGrace , and make it a third Covenant. But I fhall content my felf with the Scripture - termes, calling the firff Old ; not fo much becaufe it was firft in being, but becaufe it is to be abolifhed, and another to fucceed : The later New, becaufe it is never to be antiquated, as the Apoffle, Heb. 8. 13. explaines himfelf. Now it muff needs contribute much to the clear underftanding of the Covenant as well the termes of it, as mercies in it, and be a great advantage for the better underftand- ing of fundry, both Old and New Tehament- Scriptures;: in cafe the agreement between this Old and New Covenant, together with their true differences be rightly afgned , end thofe ima- gii ary differences affigned by fome . erroneous on either hand to The Old and New Cove- nant.