Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

. ..._ rs- The Authours diffeet from forres A Preface to the Reader. principle where we mnfl begin to get knowledge of the Peals of the Covenant; This way therefore (refling on divine af- fiftance) I have chofen, quickened to it as by the excellen- cy and great concernment of the fubjed, fo allo by the de- fires of many that this thing in a jufiTreatife might be hand led;And when my thoughts were moll full of it, and bufieft about it, and force preparations made for the work; the Sta- tioner by letter folicited, that I would enlarge my Birth- Priviedge, and fit it to thefe prefent times, and he would fee it publifhed ; Hereupon I went on in the work (a Scheme of 1 which follows herein an Analytical Table) in which I have received help from many (as my flender furniture and Itrength with leifure to attend the perufal of them would give leave) yet I have tied my felf to follow none ; I think there is fcarce any thing in which I am fingular, I have fo Ì much childifh fear as fcarce ro dare to walk in publike where I am alone, yet in feveral things I fhallbe found todiffent !; from others, and thofe of eminent name with whom I fliould bluff) to have any thoughts of comparifòn There are diffenttings among thofe that are of highefl repute. Ia fuch cafe no inferiour can agree with both parties, and ther, fore it muff not be deemed any piece of arrogance or fingu larity, to leave the one : where I am put to it to differ, the Reader (hall finde my reafon together with my opinion..If better light lead himanother way, I (hall never defire that_. be (hail go with me blindfold, or leave the truth to have me.' his companion ; yet leaft in leaving me, he fhotld let go the. truth it felf, I (hall only requeft an unprejudiced and unby4 afs'd judgement; If he bring a blood {_hot -eye, all will ap- pear of a wrong colour. It cannot be hoped but that wa ding through fo many particulars, I (hall meet with oppo- fition from Tome hands;I would only let fuch know firfl,that. I have made ngman my adverfary out of will, as..defirous, . to be a man. of contentions,. I. fonietimes clofe with my greaten.