Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

A Preface to the Reader. greateft adverfaries, and fometimes diflent from my moff honoured, and admired friends : I think I have-as thong an antipathy againft quarrels, as Lathers againft covetoufneffe: Q only leave where that light that for prefent I enjoy, leads me another way. 2. That I have wrote nothing but that which as I beleeve, fo I refolve (God aíliftin:g) to hold, till a more clear light detec`I my errour. There are few things that have vented, but many yeers have held my thoughts, words or (hews, will notwork me out of theirs. `3. That I am not yet fo wedded to an opinion , but am ready to yeeld up my felf to be over - ruled by reafon ; He is the happieft man that lies under the conqueft of truth. 4. That no man ! (hall difpleafe me that will deal argumentatively with me either by the clear immediate teftimony of Scripture, or ar- I gums is by juft confequence derived from them ; but in cafe Dä11 meet with fuch dealing as I have found, to have my words by enterchange made not mine,but the adverfa- ries own,my Arguments mifreprefented,and held out to the halves;I fhali give thole leave to hold up & purfue quarrels with their own fancies. My years and employments , toge- therwith my weakneffes,wil be a fufficient Apology to hold me back from intermedling in fuch trifles. And for the Rea- der that would read for fatisfaEtion,, I would acquaint him, Firít, that I have made it my bufineffe to oft the whole mould and Series of the work; that he may finde method and order in it,and if at any time through inadvertency or other - wife, he be at lofl'e, and efpecially if he take not the whole work before him (as I. fhould defire) he may foonehave re- courfe to the Analytical Table, and fee in what order that which in prefent his eye is upon , ftands- in the whole di -- courfe; If he gaine no advantage by the method into which it is caft, much paines and induftry.of mine is loft. Secondly, That I have made it my Rude to leave out'l no piece or part, which may be fairly loóke for within this a 3 Ver.e 4 Advertifeméts to the Rcader conrerningthe prefent work,.