Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 7. and the Covenant o f Grace. z be eafily refolved. The outward elements are given on this con- dition, that we receive them, that we eate and drink them. We have not Chrift facramentally till we have taken, and eaten, and drunk the elements. We have not Chrift in the Sacrament, be- fore our foules hold forth that which anfwers to this eating and drinking. That which all do not partake of that receive the Sa- crament " is not abfolutely but conditionally fealed in the Sacra- ment. None can miffe of that which God abfolutely grants and abfolutely feales; But all do not partake of Chrift in the Sacra- ment: therefore he is not abfolutely but conditionally fealed in the Sacrament ; or in cafe the foule frame any argumentation , I fuppofe it is to be conceived to this purpole. If God give me Chrisi, he will gtveme ¡uglification and falvation by Chrift: but God giver me Chrif : therefore he willgive me juflification and fal- vation. The major is fuppofed not fealed, the minor is there feal- ed. The elements being tendered by the Minifter in Gods ftead, and received with my hand, I am confirmed that God gives Chrif} to my faith. And the minor being fealed; the conclufion eo nomine is fealed. The proof of any Propofition in a Syllogifm, is in order to the proof of the Conclufion ; and fo the fealing of any Propofition, is in order to the fealing of the Conclufion, which indeed Mr. Baxter grants, where he fayes, that the Pro- pofition that God fealeth to, runs thus, If thou beleeve, 1 do par- don thee and wïll Pave thee; yet feveral paffages in that difcourfe, are (I confeffe) beyond my weak apprehenfion, He that beleeveth is jufli fled, and Ad be ¡dyed, is his major Propofition. This he (ayes is fealed unqueftionably, when indeed I have ever thought, and yet think, that it is not at all fealed ; Sacraments feale not to the truth of any general Propofition, but with particular ap- plication as they are difpenfed, fo they Peale, but they are ap- plied particularly, Take, eate, d-c. This Mr. Baxter fees, page 69. and therefore in that abfolute univerfal Propofition, he findes a particular conditional promife, to which he faith God fealeth; If thou beleeve, I do pardon thee and will lave thee. That it fealeth not to the truth of the minor Propofition, But I believe (he (ayes) is beyond difpute, giving in his reafons. It fhould feale to that whack is not written, for no Scripture faith that I do beleeve. So certainly Sacraments do feale, they Peale to thaowhich is not direc`}1y written, they Peale with particular application, but the G man ,__-----