Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

The Coverzarit of Work Chap, 7, man w whom they are applied, bath not his name in Scripture Written, they kale to an individual perfon, upon the warranty of a general promife, though I do not faychat PropoGtion is fealed, yet me thinks this reafon is fcarce cogent. Mr. Baxter layes, The great duelion is, whether they Peale to the Conclufion, as they do to the major Propojtion ? To which he an- fwers, I\ o, direëìly and properly it cloth not. if the PropoGtion ferves direCfly to prove the'Conclufion, then that which directly con - firmes any Propofition in a rightly formed SyJlogifine, confirms the Conclufion, If the Conclufion be not fealed, then no Propo- fition is lealed, or elfe the Syllogifine is ill framed. Reafons are given. This Conclufion is no Where written to Scripture, and there- fore is not properly the o6; ell of whereas the feales are for the confirmation of our faith. To which I fay, it is written virtually, though not expreflely : thatI (hall rife in judgement is no where written, yet it is of faith that I fhali rife, and when I have con- cluded faith in my heart, as well as reafon in my foule, knowing my felf to be a beleever, as I know my felf to be a man, I may as well conclude that I (hail rife to life, as that I (hall rife to judge- ment. Othcrwife (faith he) every man rightly receiving the feats, rnuf needs certainly be juft'fed andfaved. I fee no danger in yield- ing this Conclufion. Every man rightly receiving and improving the Peals, muff be faved and juftified. He that rightly receives the feales, receives Chrift in the feales, and receiving Chrift he receives falvation. So he that rightly hearer; Hear, and your foule f7allfve, Ifa. 55. Salle that rightly prayes; Whofoever calls on the name of the Lord, !hall be laved, Rom. t O. And no man can groundedly admini fter the Sacrament to any man but himfelfe, 6ecauíe he can be certain of no mans juli facation and falvation ; upon the fame termes that he knows any man may be Paved, upon thefame he may give him the Sacrament fealing this falvation, This argument (as we heard before) is Bella, mines,and concludes indeed againft abfolute feales in the Sacrament, but not againfl conditional fealing, as is confeffed by ProteftantDi- vines. Mr. Baxter addes,.Jam forry to fee what advantage many of our *oft learned Divines have given the Papifts here, as one errour dra*es enm4`ay, and leadeth a man into a Labyrinth ofíeóftrditits, being farfi »i f aken inthe nature of juftifyiìsg faith, thinking it con- 1fs