Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.7. and the Covenant of Grace. 45 none butScripture- words,had here a notable advantage, Thisargu- ment wel followed,would put Mr.Baxterhimfelf to a great Joffe in fame of his arguments (for which yet I give him thanks,) to prove tkat the Scripture is the Word of God. To winde up all, though there be force difference in the way between me and my learned friend, yet there is little in the thing it, felf, Mr. Baxter fay es, that the Propofition to which God fealeth, runs thus, If thou beleeve I do pardon thee ,and trill fave time., The foul malt aflame the minor , But I beleeve; from whence the Conclufion will follow, I full be pardoned and freed. And I inferre, the major being fealed, the Conclufion that rightly iffues out of it, having its f}rength from it, is fealed likewife, fealed to him that can make good that Affumption, But I beleeve, and upon thefe terms that he be a beleever. Mr. Baxter/ fourth and fifth Pofitions, in the clofing up of his difcourfe confidered. The Sacrament feaees to gods part of the conditional Covenant : and fealeth this conditional promife , not conditionally, but abfolutely as of an undoubted truth. To which an eafie anfwer maybe given, in . order to a faire reconciliation. When the Covenant ties to the condition, and the Sacraments Peale upon the fame termes that the Covenant ties, the feal is properly conditional, in cafe there is any fuch thing in the world as a conditional Peale. Neither is. this conditional promife any abfolute undoubted truth, but up- on fuppofal of the condition put, and fo both promife and feale abfolutely binde. When Caleb had engaged. himfelfe, He that fmiteth Kiriath- Sepher, and taketh it, to him will I. give Ach fah my daughter to Wife: Othnielthe fon of Kenaz taking it, there was an abfolute tie upon him for performance, PA. r S. i6, 17. When Sanlpromifed his daughter to David upon this condition, That he would bring him an hundred of the fore - slj s of the Philiflines, i Sam. 18. 25. David having made it good with advantage, now there is an abfolute tie upon him,. Even the Arminians conditional incompleat Election, upon con- dition of faith and perfeverance, they confefl'c is abfolute and compleat, upon fuppofal of faith and perfever'ance. This I take. to be Mr, Baxters meaning, that upon fuppofal of faith it abfo- lutely fealeth, which I willingly grant: but it is adminif}red to many who never put in that condition, nor comettp to the terms of God, that beleeving they may be faved, and fo in our fenfe. it G 3 fealeth;