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comfortable walking with Cod. Iii firy, and prevention of dangers. BLit this is not difIrcfrefull, but delightful!, becaufe enjoyned by God :. See a Ti moth. 5. S. ( For a. performance of Gods Commandment , and the 49-21d°ftrens very asof Obedience with finceritie , fhould beget much ficila , e:ractulact°:: fpirituall fweetnefie, delight, and joy in the heart.) And , a vdealmiaffifiruera- faire, calk, unangry providence for things needful' and time pleturP animalnus. e' to come, fweetnedwith the life of Faith, and a patient Tely- ance upon Godswifeand merciful' difpofing all .our affaires, Eel op1 t urera a Deo- pr :Cat .. brral.h. and their fucceffe , thing : and a refilefre caking) and D purfuite after thingsunneceffary, imaginary , and fometimes impoffible , embittered with many flavilhfeares of fained or future evils, is another. It is profitable alfo to gather mate ter from time paft, by contemplation ofyouthfull pollutions, croffes and correaions for finfull courfe3,, companions in ini, quitie , or any other aggravating circumftance , for the in, create of godly forrow, andhatred of finne. But this is joy full, and ealeth the heart; for howfoever carnal! joy and forrow can never confia together at the fame time ; yet that which is Chriflian , b fweetly ought, andmay, ofwhat buTviceirram fort foever the forrow be., For firft, caufes of it:fromwith= Ire Lrmeou divi: our, as reproches ' perfecutions, flame , croWne the Chrifli- ans head with abundance ofglory), his heart with joy , his lead : audi 10, EGaiceorrIculraitnagnitl, foule with bleffedneffe , I Peter 4. 14. Aas 5. 41. e,24at- thew 5. se). Secondly , if it bee inward , for finne andcor- in tribulationibus' ruption , there is great matter of much joy ; for it fweetly rf°a.1:;i6.3/3.eatkull fignifies the ("dining and meltingof theheart , and by.confe- ragetis, (11112 quent , the pretence of Gods lanaifying Spirit. Such tearer rrni`ilse,bleis,InTIL,',Y;r: as burft out of a heart oppreft with griefe for finne , are like-m.1022. an Aprill fhowre , which though it wet a little , yet it be gets a great dealeof fweetneffe in the. herbes , flowers , and fiuits of the earth. A great man guiltie of high Treafon, comes to the Blocke to loofe his head : in the very nicke, when he isready to lay downe his necke , a graciousPardon is fhowne from the King, whereupon he burfis out aboun. dandy into teares , fpringing partly from anangry indigna tionagainfl himfelfe , for his trayterous carriage towards fo tender-hearted a Prince , partly from an explicable joyfull fenfe