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confortahlewalkingwith God. 127 bitances , elpecially in Profeffours of Religion, which never had any exifience. But when they fhould refled upon them- felves, and turne their eyes to contemplate and confider their owne corruptions, there lyes a great beanie of hypocrifie be- tweene them and thetufelves ; fo that they cannot poffibly , fee fo mach,as thole, huge mountaines of many crying finnes, which full heavily preffedowne their ovine foules towards, hell ; tholeunnumbred fwarmes of beafily lulls, which rage remorflz fly within their owne bofomes. 2 . It is a point of their hypocriticall poi icie,cunningly,and confidently to impute thole limes unto others, whichare groffely predominant in themfelves ; that thereby they might purchafe an opinionof a fiippoled innocency, and freedom from the like faults. For when they cry out with great node and clamour uponother men, they thinke they kill the cry, and fiorthemouthof their owne finnes; and labour to fallen a perfwafion upon their owne hearts , that liththey, with filch confident, and bold faces reproove and cen, lure others, others will not, out of the congruity of a chari- table ingenuoulneffe thinke them fo fhameleffe, as to beIt& ly liable to the fame imputations : except thine few wifer, and more judicious Chriflians, who are able by fpirituall experience, to difcover the depths and myfieries of their hypocrifie ; and for filch they carenot much : for in point of reputation, they relye moll uponthe common fort ,:and greater parr. ;. It h thenatural humour ofan hypocrite to be Caper. cilious, and cenforions. Pride is no where more naturally bred, fo prouelly feated,and highly enthroned, as in his heart. And therefore it is his common pradife to haunt after efli- mation, by difgracing and dilabling others. Sith hee wants worth in hinifelfe,, hee labours to thine by darkening others, mikonceiving that every detraEtion-from other rnens repu. tations, is an.addition to his owne. 4. Theyhold it a pointand proofe of forwardneffe, toles lorward in finding faults. As though the flame of anholy male were enkindled in any mans heart, onely to give him