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confinablewalking withGod I 5 the power of Godlineffe ; they may entreate the Lord, if they belong untohim, to humble them in their places, and give them repentance ; but ifhe purpofc togive themover finally to a Reprobate minde, and to the impetuous rage of theirowne cruell di fpofitions,tocut them off,and utterly con-- found them, that they beno longer a burden to the Church, and vexation tohis people. 3. Abftraetively ; againft their extreme opprefiions, andmalicious plots, without any rela- tion at all to their perfons. SoDowid, 2 SetM. z 5. 31.- 0Lord, Ipm, thee, trim the cotosfel 1 of Achitophelboo3%10- Or thus : Thou obferveft fome one to have continued long a worthy and noted profeffour, but now unhappily begins to fall off from his former forwardneffe, to grow flacke and negligent in family duties, cold and cowardly in good caufes , heartleffe , and hanging downe the head ingodlycompany ; todif-regard, and underprize the pow- erfull meanes ; to entertaine but ordinary affe6tions, if not fome kindof ftrangeneffe towards other profeffours, efpe- cially ofgreater eminency and acceptation for their grace to fuffet immoderate imployment and entanglement in the world to wafte his heavenly mindedneffe ; Co that in all likelihood God will fhortly give himover unto fome lean- dalous fall,as a punifhment of his backe- fliding : whereupon thou difcovereft unto thy Chrillian friends his declining (late, onely that they may joyne with thee in prayer, that the Lor would bee pleafed to flay him in time ' and re- eflablifh him inhis lira love; left by his further falling, the credit of the Gofpell al fo receive a bruize and bleinifh, pro- feffion bee ill fpoken of, and the enemies of fincerity blaf- pheme. 4. Of vindicating the power and truth cf Religi- on from the miftakings of Ignorants , and Vnder-prizers. Thus,or in the like manner; Thouart in companywhere thou heareft a meere civil man, or a formal Profeffour at the belt, whom theChurchnever difcbvered, or acknowledged tobe any of Hers, and thy felfe cavil averre out of thy certaine L particular