Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

esameramwaseencoma comfortable walking with God. 18 r saaassaalrloraft.wallIMMO the Lord as the Prophet told him, 2 .ChrOTI.19 2; Millakc me not : I purpofe not in this paffage to cenfure or difgrace any warrantable ceremonie and folemnities of State; mutual! entercourfe of noble deportment amongfE Compeeres ; civil! exchange of faire and amiablebehaviour one towards another; and charitable offices ofhumanity, or Chriflian paffages of courtefie and love : but the idle, formaii, flattering vanities, Hypocrifies, difguifements ofthole many neecteffefruitleffe,and endleffe filutations, complements, vie fitations , entertainments , affectedand aeted by fuch value people, who are extremely troubledhow to bee ridof time z A commoditieof high account with all thole, who are tena- ble and mindefull of' their Taft account : Every moment whereof,ought in themeane time tobee crowned with fruit- ful! improovement,by all thofe that truely feare God. I could with that a gracious concurrence ofgoodnelleand greatneffe, true Nobleneffeindeede , where God himfelfe is topof the Nobintas kinne, and Religion the roots; ( a in refp,..c4 !Thereof thole roica ell eminen- other : bybirth, by riches, by meere moral! wertue byva- lour, by learning, by favour of Princes, are but fh'adowes veniens- ex and fhapes of nobkneffe ) were honouredwith all due attri- ftu,i,cprenrquurati froa: butions, highs(} refpeCts, and belt obfervance. In Inch a cafe mo fit per adopti- it is not uncotnely for Paul, to travaile fromArabia to Ierufa- fin Sm fifuCDd is hem to vifit Teter, Galat. I.18, Or the QLeeerte of the Smyth, fit ten'Pir Sspits. from theutmoil parts ofthe earth, to fee So/omon, I. Kings 'uqqua naonbidtatsesmc o. i ; But I would not have glittering folly, guilded rotten- cnfir neffe, facrificed untowith fo much flatterie and counterfeite Obfuln'tr pornis a- crouching. For why would filken dung bee fo adored,and glittiradli:u.m ?". golden damnation deified ? Now the reafons why fuchvifi. hominibus ; abo2. rations, as well as recreations may many times proove mares ilinamtileearionci"d to entangle us in finne, damps to dull our forwardneffe ; or To2.4. ve burr one way or other breede and bring upon us fome fpirituall ute. miferies, are fuch as there : Great men without grace, ordinarily make ufe ofall others for their owneadvantage. With an imperiouspolicie and a kindeof Machiervelian Alchymy, they fecretly and in convem difpefe and manage theagency) abilities, and IN 3 fervice.