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igo Genera11 dirdliom for 4 c3ntentments,, cafe, or any earthly thing. Thus much of recreations. I I. Let me adde a wordor two of vifitations. For corn- plementall vifitations of unfanaifled great Ones, without juft occafion and a warrantable Calling ; betides finnefilll ex- pence of precious time, are many times unhappyoccafions to embarke, efpecially yeclding natures, inCome ba{e and (can- dalousbufineffes ; and to entangle them in thole wicked ter- vices or fume uncomfortable inconvenience ; which after- ward in cold blood woefully wound their confciences, and perhaps much weaken their Chriftian reputations. lehofaphat may ferve as a remarkeable inflance for this purpofe. Vpon a time, bee came downe to fee Ahab King of Ifrael, byway of Courtlyvifitation. And though he was equall unto him in the crowned Majefty of a King; and a goodman ; yet trainesand infinuation, by Royal( entertain ments, and a Princely feaft premifed, as it appeares in the Rory, hee was cunningly catcht and call into the confede- ration and focicty of an unhappy warre : whereby with a difhonourablepreciphtion, bee plunged himfelfe both into fpirituall miferies, and temporall mifchiefe ; both hurt his conCcience, and hazzarded his life. For the fiat, i. He fud- dainely and rafhly promiCed ayde unto eAbab, whom the Lord hated, before bee knew Gods will in the point from the mouth of theProphet. 2. When faithful! MIchaiolh had delivered the truth, andacquainted themwith the rninde of God ; he notwithflanding went on with the bufineffe. 3.He did not appeare on the Prophets' fide, and in his deftnce, a. gainfl the imperious infolencyof that falfe flattering Zede- \ niviab or the mercileffe tyrannyof Ahab; who fent him to prifon for tellinghim the truth. Foule afperfions upon fo fa- mous a King 1 For the fecond ; by the cruellcunning of hol- low-hearted Ahab, hee expofed himftlfe both to the cnea- gr2d and concurrent fury ofthe whole Syrian Armie ; ( one. ly upon a penitent ejaculation , his life was refcued, ruiracu- loufly from that extremeft danger) and alfo to the wrath of God, for helping the ungodly , and loving them that hated the