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conferrablewalkingwith God. 43 .10.102. [eisOls.lialM.IMNO.arefamWftlia/MSISMOIner. 101 life : that webid all wicked men be fecure, as thole who can - fall from falvation byno villanies. Now the Lord rebuke thee, Satan, who fitteffwith Inch extrememalice and falfhood in the Ionic =tithesof the Po- pithProdours, and Rabibakehl of Rome, that they fhould with fuch prodigious ayes and villanous flanders, revile the Lords Champilins,and traducethe glorious heavenly truthof our moll holy and righteous Religion. But to my purpofe, and to conclude thepoint; Thou tnu either with a refolute and everlafling divorce abandon, and abominate thy boiome finne, thy darlingdelight, to the pit of hell, whence it path formerly received much enraged fen- muall poifon, to the woeful' wafting ofthyconfcience,and the ltronger and longer' arring thee from grace; or elle thou mull continua an everlalling ftranger from all communion and convertingwith God ; thou (halt never bee able to meet him in his Ordinances with true reverenceand delight, or looke him in the face with comfortat the laft day. I I. Scorne with an infinite, and triumphant difilaine, to m stay icefilY ani ferve themighty Lordofheaven and earth, fervilely,flavifhr; ly,or formally ; for by-reipeas, private ends, or any thing, vit:Noen, five, to five his owne fweet, gracious, glorious Selfe. Hatehypocri- ebr,rigf:,,°4G't fie from the very heart-ronte : Which foule fiend painting mofhellfire, and her felfe more unobfervedly, in the,warineSunne and fhining inrustrop of amarrt mortal! Crome, as profperityof the Gospels flourifhing eflate,with anoutward by imfbrior aor*. gilt, and fuperficiall tincture, cloth withgreater varietie, and 'burd,17: rti?tclie,asii fironger impoflure, deceive both wens owne foules , and andmoil predornim others, in theglorious noone-tide thereof: Nay this great Agent for the Princeof darkeneffe,, is fo politicke and prag- wet to be the So- rnaticall, that bee prevailes too mach many times, even the declinationof that glorious Sunne, in the difacceptationPa" Mart' upon and dampe of profeffion and forwardne fie. For though at 1:1 42.. this day , Profeffours of thegracious Way bee in greate11114,1"L'nrre difgrace with the molt ; and a drunkard , a iwaggering Good- fellow , an Vfurer, a fonne or daughter of Bella!, (hall fademore favour, applaufey and approbation with the world, thena man which makes confcience of his wages; fo that