Bolton - HP BV4500 .B62 1634

comfortable walking withGod. ONevontra...awneanswora. fbalt fafely, , and none AA' make thee afraid : Thou Ade never more beafraidof any evil! tidings, or of defiregiton when it eornmetb : when thoupafrefl thorow the waters, thy godfidl bee with thee ; and thorow rivers , they fball not overflow thee : when thouwalkeli thorow thefire , thou (halt net beburnt ; therAalltheflame kindle upon thee, &-e. And if at any time thou be feized upon with any crate or calamitie from any of the creatures; any trouble or temptation , fromman or Divell ; any lowring or calcitic from the iniquitie of the times, or perfecuters of the Truth ; yet the refrefhing beames of Gods pleafed face fhiningupon thy heart, through the darkeneffe of fuch dircomforts , will fweetly mitigate, re- vive, and infinitely make am. entis for all. The poyfon and curfe of them fhall never come neere thy fouler The Lord in the meane time, like an Eagle fluttering about her Dein.32.xe, nef , will moil tenderly defend and protea thee, Efaiah 31. 5. andat length molt certainely come like a yong Lyon roaring on his prey for thy reran and glorious enlargement, ficvidi 3 1. 4 I X. Labour by a conftant watch to keep:: thy heart in a fpirituall temper fill, and fill fweetly content, and fruitfully converfantin the Myflery ofChria,and Secrets of His King- °Fyn! (2.64/14 dome,which thou shalt more eafily doe; If thou &ft rejoyce in God, his Word, and Graces, as thy chiefell joy, and great eft advantage. 2. By all earthly things, be drawne to the love of heavenly, For though Godpath appointed but one Sab- bath in (even dayes for his more folemne publike worship, yet to a Chrifian , everyday is fanaified to be aref from all thedeeds of the flefh, wherein he is to walke withhis God, and thew forth the religious keeping of his heart andgood confcience , in every aLtion of his whole life ; fo making e- very paffage of his particular Calling , a part of Chriltian obedience , and. dutie unto God. 3. Let the nobleneffe of thine inlarged Spirit, as, infinitely difclaine to bee any wayes, upon any termes, in bondage to the corruptions ofthe times; fo nude a farre fweeter relith , and take incomparably more contentment in the fervicesof thy Lord, andhis holy Ordi. nances,