Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

$6 .8. Their wickednelfe is recordeol to their difgrace. (h) 21 Tim.4.17• Ezek. z.. o. Jnftruaions for aright comforting Sect. 1, C H A P, XII. Sixe other rea[ons dij[wadingfromthe former finne,.. (' 8. S fiigmaticall Rogues burnt in the · hand,curtal'd oftheir eares,bran.. ded in the forehead:, are in the common-wealth ;Jo are Perfecutors in the-Church. By mutuall intelligence, and information of Gods people, or fome more publike lafiing record and Monument-of the Church, they have many times fuch a Markfet upon them;that they carry it to thetr graves, yea, to the judgement' leat of God ; that it may bee knowne af6re-ha'nd to that gl0rious Tribunal! and all the triumphant Church,,what (h) beafl:lymen,fiinging Scorpions,and pricking thorns they have been ainong Gods .Children,. and in the fides of the Saints. Such a brand .had '!Alexander the Copper-Smith fet upen him. ·by -Paul, z Tim. ·4· 14, I). And fuch a brand was fet · upon Diotrephes that malicious .pratii1g companion,. by Saint Iohn, 3 J,ohn 10. So are thofe bloud-thirfl:y Tygres, (jardiner, Bonner.; and the r.efl: of that cruel!< litter, and perfecuting pack~ branded,.fhat their names lhall rot,. and their memories be hatefull to theworlds end. So too many .i.l1 thefe times, though they be very jolly fellowes in their owne qm~eits, adored as. Idols by their flattcri_ng.dependants) applauded generally as the Principall Patrons of revelling and.good· fellow !hip ; yet in the cenfure of the Saints,and by the doome of divine wiie'dome, they are clearely knowne,. and jufHy reputed enemiu of all righteoufneffe., and Satans fpeciall Agents to doe.mifchiefe againfi the Mi9. They fddome 6nde nifl:ery. . .' . . . . , mercy on their death 9• And It IS to be feared'; they Will finde no mercy beds, upon thr::ir beds:of death, , .and in their lallextremi- . · tie, :- ;