Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part I. Cap.n. Ajfiiaed Canfl:imcet. excej[eof riot, to abandon and abcminate their lewd and licentious courfes; In a word to turne ChrijHan; Oh ! then He is an arrant Puritan, a Precifian, an Humorifi, an hypocrite, and all that naught is; even as (e) bad, as the falfe tongues of the Divds Limbes can ~ . . make a bldfed Man. Hee was a good fellow, will they~ )/.t ::u.~:ntJtentttm~ b h . _ . - d f a ut ut , quam 1"'' fay, ut ee 1s now qmte gone : a proper man, .an o (unt e% omnib114 ;nnilgood parts,but his Puritaniftne bath (f) mar'd al:while '~11te,.Laaant.t.~ ·'·~ · Paul humour'd the Pharife;,in perfecuting and plague-(' )Bon~M vir caj~MSeiing the Difciples of the Lord,He was a principall and 114~ fed n:al~M tantum c d n h b h qu1a Chrzflwms. 'fer-- much honoure . man amongtL t em : ut w . en Hee tJ~t • .A pot. pag. 1 , · _ turned on Chnfh fide, Hee was holden !l pejftlmt fel- · . low, the very ( s) pla.r;;ue. So that it is plaine and pal- 8)Ev'e$vT<~ Tav cWJj14. pable, whadoever may be pretended to the contrary, rf{mv "-ot,u.Ov. - that thofe curfed (ains, dogged Vot:{s,and fcoffing Jf- .A{is 2.4. ~ • mae/s,that fet themfelves and fpend their malice againft the Minil.ters and people of God, hate, flander, and , ,./ perfecute the very workes of Grace,- and graces of . Gods fpirit in them. Even their zeale,holineffe,hatred of fin, reformation~ &c. are an Eie-fore, and heartfore tofuch hatefull wretches, and Owles ofhell,whocannot indure any heavenly light. · E c. A P.