Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. r. Cap. I), AffliHed {onfciencei, 75 ---- t;~-til;;;;ith great conftancy and und ifmayedne!fe_; forfake their damna· And this they accounted a fpeciall. point of Religion. blc/up~r~irion. Hilt: But efipecially at this day, the Poptfh Pfeudo-mar_, oft;:,e ~fln. kes pag.~87 • n_ k . J • h h' f: l. rap. s. JJ~d~ed true Tr~ytors, are ~lar emao Wlt t lSJuper- The Afla{ins . are a• !htwus rae;e. Fufi,.they dnnke full deepe of the goldm comp:~ny ofmoft de· cup of abhominablc: fornication in the handof the'gre(lt fpcrate and dange· whore. Immediately whereupcn they grow into an 1 Mouhs rren among thbe . bl d . h' {l. c h bl cl f a om: tans' w o tmfatta e an o~t-ragwus t. 1r t arter t .e · ou o flro"nglv deluded with · Soules, empoyfomng themWith the docrnn~ of De- the biind zeale of vils: And alto after the bloud of whomfoever with- theirfuperfiition, and · fiands their accurfed fuperfl:itions, even though they a~counrmg it merito· weare Imperial/ Crownes upon their heads; by plot- no~s1, 1 by any mc-::nes, . d . .a. "fi r. . 'd n: {" to KJ any great ene- ttng, an . pra~.:Ll :ng treaions, patn~l es, aua mates, . my of their religion; , empoyfonmgs, rumes of whole Nations, barbarous for the performance Maffacres: blowing up of P arhaments, and a world of thereof, as m~n prodi· .bloudy mifchides,. which cafl: an inexpiable fraine; gall of their hve~, aefd bl · h · f Ch ·n.. R 1. perately advmturc a1: o oqute upon t e mnoceocy o nntan e 1- them(eh·es unto all g1on. At lafi, they come to 7Jburne, or fome other kind of dangers Hifi•. place-of jufl: execution; and then they will needs beare of the T11ri(.es ,pag~x :&-9•· the world in hand, that they are going towards heaven, to receive a Crowne of Martyr-dome, They feeme there already to triumph extraordinarily, and to contemne tortures:. with an aff.:tted bravery, they tram.. ple upon the Tribunals of Iuflice, kiife the infiruments of death, in.figne of happineffe at hand ; and'throwe. many r.efolute,., a.nd rejoycing fpeeches; . a:mongfi t~1e ·· people, as though they had one. foot in heaven alrca-· die. When alas !' puore, blind, m-if-guided Souks, , while they thus wilfully and defperately abandon their. lives upon a groundleffe,' and graceleffe conceit, that they fhall become crow.ned Martyrs; they ;~re like a; man, who lying aOeepe up~n an high .and fl:eep ~ock,, . l dreames that hee is <Zrea~ed ·a .King, guatded with a· go.~dly traine ofancient Nobles,. ft1rnifhed )with man)' ~nncdy houfes, and fiately palaces, .enriched with the: r:venew~s,. maJefty, and magnifi(ebce ot~ a mightie: k.ingdonw, attended wi;h aJI.the,pleafhrcs, bis heart:' · couldt