Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

~·------------~=-~·--------4---=•c====----=4 THE EPISTLE (~)The _.migh,ty wa~- Soveraigne (d) prefervative and a ~ightie mo.. l{}ng of1\pzg James htJ • . f . 11 . h ' . f Jr. workcs up6n tl;: Ad- tlVc, :me nronger t an a mountame o Brane, verforit~, u intimated to keepe all His Royall Pofieritie, which !hall ~trd(J ~_u;thePrcface hertafi:er fucce.ffively fit upon His . Regall before hu works. . . • They l<nke upon ~is Throne, to the Worlds end, ma thorow umMaje!lics l~ookcs, as verfall and everlafiina deteftation of Poperie. men looktng llpoR h ;' h ., 0 , f ·d l Bla-zjngstarm, with C, t at great glmy o Prance) an t 1e amn.emenr; rearing whole Chriil:ian World, was bountifully enthey porrc_nd feme riched from Heaven with finaularitie of lear~ :llrange rhmg; :md . . o . • brimg with .them a nmg, and PolerniC:lll Parts:; wluch bemg turc:crr:tineinfluem·c, toned the right way have happily rroduceda worke great c!1angc Ji'1 . r. h ? Al. • 1· · · d r 2nd alccrarionmthe Pan ~~atJa, lllC Vl~..<LOrtOUS Vo umes, an 10 ~~rM : Neirrer i~ unaniwerably Triumphant over all Popifh !11etr e~petiau6 here- Sophiil:rie · that not all the IeflJites in Chrim dccetvcd; Fot: wee ' J,ave rccne wirh our fiendome, though they fhould take Hell afrdh, e~cs thc.op~rarionof for fome new rotten diil:inctions to uphold Hts Matdhes Works h · ._ . ' b ' bl in the Confcicnces oLt e1r tottenng Ba ell, iliall ever be a· e to re"' their Men!ofa~re,as ply to any purpofe. Gna{hthe teeth they may from thm 1~1ghefl: with o-riefe and ihame enough · raile like the Conclave to tht n low- o . ' <;kl Cells, rhere have vaifal5 of the (e) great Whore, imprdfioned · beene rh~t have been with the impudende of her forehead, and lie converted by them. · 11. H' l · 11 c ffi Bijhop of winto11 , a~~l~lu lm vo ummouuy ; But ror any po 1- · (t).Rca:e~r9.~.. b1hne of a found Anfwer, they muft alllef that alone for ever. As on the contrary, great parts .empoyfoned, and mif-imployed, plagu~ extraordinarily. The greater fufficiencie without grace, is but a iliarper fword in a madder hand. Hatred to goodneife, and height of Place', attended with capacitie and cunning, . worke a World ofmifchiefe. lulian·, the Apo- . Hate, being an Emperom· of admirable eloq~uenc~, and e~'\Ct learning; \Vhz.t horribk · worke-: