Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

r SJl. . In.ftr11£lionJ· for aright comforting .S!!d.i, -------:---::--::·-- -- - -·- .. .. ~--- fenfe than of one finn~, when God fets it on,:md {ayes unto it, Tormel1t, drawes fo many fiery potnts of· ftirigfug Scorpions after i~; charges upon the excellen~ cie of the underfianding.with fuch hideous d~rrkepdfe •. re,nts the heart in pieces .with fuch defpera~~ r~ge~ grin des into powder,the arrne and finewes of all earth~ ly fuccour; melts, like Dew before the Sunne, all thofe . delights and pteafures whi~h the wholewor-ld o.ffi:rs., or affords to_comfort in fuch a caf~ _; In a word, makes a, man fo extreamely miferable, -that,hee would make himfelfe away; willies with unfpeakeable griefc, that he had never beene; that he might returnc into the abhorred ihte ofannihilation ; that hee were any <:>ther creature_; that hee might lye hid world withoutend under fome ~verlafiirig Rocke, fron~ .the face of God ; Nay, that .hee were rather in hell, than in his pref<mt horrour:I fay it being thus..what unquenchable wrath, what firearnes of brimfrone, what reftle!le anguilb, what.gnalhing of teeth_,what gnawing of confcience, wh~t d#pairdilll roarit~g~, -what horrible torments, what fiery bells .feeding upon his foule and flelh for • ever, may every impenitent wretch exQeCl:,when tQe ~ whole blacke and bloudy Catalogue of all his fumes fha}l pee ~arfha;ld an~ mufiered up together at once again(l; Nm ? every -o,n(i b~ing keened with·as mu~q tortur]Jl_~ ftt,r~, a~ the in~ni~e a1._1ger of Almighty <?o4 ..can ~ p,~;lt mto - lt: after that hee bath accurfedly with mu~h . incorrigible fiub~ornnefie out.-fio~d the day of his gr,acious vifltation, under rhis glorious Sut~-f11ine nf'the-GofpMIJ; ~ wh~rein heeeither. bath, or if _he bad ( u) A~ if 3 fooliih heene as ( 11 ) ,p,t:oyident (or his ~~mmort;tllfoule, fl~ wretch fhnuld chute - · · - · • . . rather ro ihrv-e auhe B:rkcrs Stall ,than lay 'out his pem1y in bre~d. So God. knowes"many a wretched man famitbcth his foulc to fpare his purfe;comemed to live in~ ban en and dry wilderncffc, wh~re there is neither b,read nor water.of life; where: there is no vilion; no preaching; rather than tofeedehis Kids by the -:r:-ents of the S·hepbe-ards; th,at i~ ,to dwell, where he p1ay heare, qr (which w.erc mort: chamable) to p(ocm;e tha.t he wllh others m3y heart, where he..9wclleth. · s. Crc1o~c. car king