Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part~2. Cap.3. eA.fflilled COJtfcienc~~t, i09 with falfe fpectades, and !o enlarging it beyond the lie mits of his Truth. -But heare, what that excellent dijcoverer of the Depths of our Selfe-coufeHing heart)~ tels 1.., "A 11 • • • ....D • J,} ,;; {; • _4 ,tr. L ~1 "V' ""t" V.,,... r , . ]..( thee 1n 1UC l .a .... a~e _:. ~~ a .man pa11rt1•ver aprrage, " . ~ t faith hee, which hu fa!fe fPetlaclN maj:·to fleme h-1oa- ·? (:{11) /.. Z.O -"' C"" I "f der, than indeed it~' being there~) r!ec:sved, goes Gefidn ! 1"7 :. 11 -7v rl-~ I r.: /. the 6ridg_e, and fo udrowned: fo Jt u U>~th·.thofe, whofe de- 1 h c. ·I l c. 'I -f· 1 '7 ! !;J , ceitjull hearts .mal<! the ~ridge. of gods"!e~c} larger thafJ ~J I !. t Jr.. . J it u,; they are tn dtzngfr offall;ng bejide,t, ento the wate~t -1 , / "z.. ] ~ 2. c.. of eternal/ Jesfltla~on •. Ft!r !hongh. (io~ mtrcy be of the n . [ c; c1"J' 't../ ') c /. /. , L lttrgejf extent, yet Jt _ u bounded W1tb h'M Truth... eAnd i -f· r "i. j therefore ufuallJ in the S triptur-es we finde thefe two coupe (. ' led together,Gods mercy,and Hu Truth. No\v His Truth tels,us ;·that the good tydingsufthe (jojpellbelong on· Iy·to tmepoor'e, ;tO. th~ Gro.k.,.en-hearted, to the ·c~tpives, to the blin6k' to the Gru'ifod, Luk!_ 4· I s~ :Fhat he .only who c.onfejfeth, and for[ak._eth Hu fins, /ball havemercy,'Prov. 18. I 3· That except wee repent, ~ee foall all peri/h, Lukg, I~· 3· That except we be borne againe, We cannot fee th6 Kint,dome if God, Joh113 . 3· That Godwi01J-o;tndthe heal. of hu enemies, and the hairy fcalpe of fuch an one, M goeth onftill in hu trejp~tjfes, P [al. 68. 2 I. That if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will nat heare m, P [al. 66. I R. That nofornic-atour, nor idolater, nor vtdulterer, ~ nor effeminate, mr ,a/mfer of Himfllfe with man- 'kJ.ndc, _nor t,heefe, nqr_ covetom man, nor drun~r.d, nor re- , ·. vi/er, nqr. e x~~rtirmer, foal! inherit the)\ingdome of ·'God; ' 1 Cor. 6. -9; :tO. That without .holinef[e no mitn ]ball foe, the Lord, Heb, I 2.1 4· That every one that calleth on the Na'frle 'of ·e.hrijf favingly, muft depart from iniquity, ~ Tim;'2.19. &c. Compare n_ow thefe and thelike p-laces with thine heart, life, and.prefent impenitent Hate, a.nd tel\ mee in cold bloud, and impartially, whether any mercy at all as yet betongs unto thee upon good . \ ground, yet lying in thy finnes. -