Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Injl!Actions for a right CQmfort'ing Seet~ x. ·--- - ('~Illud,quodmaz~me brought all hellith miferyu}'onSatan, andtnadehim v~d;tur rpe~14 odiffe, fo foule, therefor.e it is farre fouler. Jf any could !hip- {clf&cet D1abolum, non h· f h· fi h fL ld · 11 h· · h fL • od;t nifi ratimepeccati :m o lS ~nnes, .e mou re-mv~ tm mtot e ml~ & cumamtmt, {ipec- mng roabes·bfall hts former Angehcall excellency and; 6tltum n9n .e!Jet, tan- perfection ; 4d reilore him into height of favoul! a- !uam creatura'!l.~an:_ gaine with t?e mo.ft f!~(h. ( 1) For God hates the Di- . v.nde Sap u.N;bu.d'. . vellfor nothmg elie m the world but for finne. jl& eorum qu.e fcciflr. . . ' . ~od inteltigendum · 0/;. _But 1f finne befo u15Iy, may fume·~~' as yo_?: eft. nift propter pecca- have.fet It out; how comes It to pa{DtJhat 1t IS fo am1- . ~·um adJtmqum,_ q1sod able m the eyes ofthe:moll? Why L-ftl\11 forts of pea..' tp{e nonfec!t• Peral. pk purft1e and praCl:ite it with fuch eagerneffe and deThough 1t appcare 1. h ) Wh . d . t he h L.. ld . dd ' rt amiable in the fight of 1g · t: y t . w o~. wor runne. a ma .. .tn0 the moll. after lt ?- . . . Through the Div.els vdnfw. Herein .obferve· an univerfall Soule-fwat:... pa.intingix over. lowing Depth of Satans damned Policy•. He knowes. full well~. that ibould finne:appea-re fu i e s owneolike-- ·lleffb,., every eye would abhot're it,.every Mothers Son, would detefl,. and: d~fye it. And therefore, He takes a czourfe, by the exquifitendfe of his colOurs, and excellbncy of pttintin_p;, to put a feeming fairene£fe upon an: Bdliili face; whereby thegreatdl: part dote upon this -deformedlHag to theirendldfedamnation. For wee ·muft know that S~tan, in this myll:ery ef coufeni'ng ·by colours) incomparably !urp1ffeth the moll famous- -E'al!Ides; .and noble Stnunpets, that ever were. So that (m}~~· omnia paC;~ it feemes to be the eonceit of the 'lncient ( m,} Fathers.~ . tDm, t:apo{iqt.eAn; that the Devill did iinmedbtely.revealeuntowhorifh: tdel• ~~tu arti~U&o !droted:- ·wom~n. , this eAttiOI! p? flintinir ; atkall, ; Heewas moft crun ;q.uam" .. ) . . . :r _. . ~ . . 1'tTU2Cont:;gia de:vofuti , . · · , · . ii. caile{iti vigore rmffmmt J!li& ·otulos nigtot<·fitcare,"'!r: gcnru mandaci~~Jt6ora. infkere,&.mutare adulteriniJ ca:forib1M crinemi;;& olfme-~z.orb5 & fapttis ver:utem· crm:uptel<e. (u.e impuRn4tiw1e df,6/JUIIJ# ' · Gy~. O.e hab ;tu VirginQm~ !J2.!fi4 HrprM TA.tmft~llret · ?JJutare, n![i.qui& horiinis JP.iri(ilm, tJJtJli/.i~ trJLizs{igurav'it.i ]!le indttfli?at~ httjil[madi i~gt· n{a ·,conclmr~v~t, ut i;t no~{s 'qlfO~ilmmodo man/"! Deo.iyf!ri·u. 40&dna[Cit~tr; 0't~ Ve1ijl • BrgiJ,quo-d fi"',g,Ztur., - D~afJtJit h'eg@tllim eJi. 'Ter tul •. De-culcq Fremmarum. Tu vtro cu1u~ ~ap~t ,(bl'i{uueft, inverttionu.S'iitart<t! ·C0112pnlbabis ,nee· recqrdabe~lis,{tuiem {hrifii~?~omn~a P~mllJfj.:.ia· lencm, et-iaJtt,fi, vt lt:k' Ofttt;(IJ.fP.: czytar( s,non tJit~«J, tamm,,e.t:ferrepiJ(?espu(verem, ::.~t.ci1;ercm aiifJ.11emfispe:t.ftt_~~Cfli t~a.mip;pa?zct~ •. Ch)tyt: H~m· J;~. ia Mat.: ' ~crtaiii:l y·-