Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

I I 8 InftruCftonJ"for a right comforting Sect. t. ell -of dearcll: price) ~o which all i1umane glory is but-· dufi: in the ballance. Not the mofi: exquiiite extraction • -o_f all manner of Mu{icke, Sets, or Conforts, vocall or I'nfi:rumentall, .can .poffibly conveigh fo delicious a touch, anq· tafi~ to th~ outward eare of a·Man ; as the ·found , and {enfe .of a Certificate brough from the 'Throne of mercy by the bleffed Spirit, feal'd with· . Chrifi:s ~l~ud,_ro· the eare of theSoule, even·amidfr the · moO: defperate ~onfu!ions, in the evill Day; when Comfort :will be worth,aWorld) and agood Cmfc;.,; 1 , The coiuentmenfenct; ' tehne th.qufa~d -~arthlY- Crowne_s.. 6•. Of all-true of this life. contentment 11:'1 thts hfe; ofall ChrtO:tail rtght,and religious intereO: to any ofthe Creatures. For never was-· a·ny found joy, or fancHfied enjoyment of any thing in t'he world, found in that Mans heart~ . whichgives allowance to any ltur, or lyes.dellghtfillly in· any finne. h 7. Of an immortall Crowne, the unf.Peakable joyes of 1· The glory oft at fieaven; that immeafurable, ·and endldfe comfort, to come. which there fhall beefully and for ever enjoyed; with all the children ofGod, Patri~rkes,Prophets,Apofiles, Martyrs, Chrifiian friends ; yea, with the Lord Hirt;lfelfe, and all His Angels, with Chrifl our Saviour, that ~be flaine for .us, the Prince{)f glory, the glory of Heaven and Earth ; the brightne!feof the ev-erlaaing Light~&c-. In a word,ofall thofe inexplicable,nay.unconceiveable excellendes,pleafures,perfections; felicities,fweetnel~s, beauties, glories, eternities above. 2 , Expofin~;a finncr • 2. It. doth every ~oure expofe all thofe e• -eo all evils. vtls, which a Man ddhtute of grace d1v1ne may com1'.'IntcrnatL mit; and unpretetled .frvm ab6ve, endure. It brings · all plagues. 1. Iiit_ern•/1; blindndfe of minde. Hardnef.fe of heart, dd"dne!fe of aifetlion, fraredndfe of conkience, a reprobate knfe, O:rbng delufions, the fpirit of &lmber, llav~ry to luO:, efirangednes fromGod, .bondage under the Devill,defperate thoughts, horrour of heart, confilfion of fpirit, &c. And fpirituall mifc.hiefes in t~is kinde, moe,and more dreadfull, than either