Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

!HE EPISTLE Either, leave to adhere to David, or refolve t<> ·lofe a Kingdome. But the hope of .an earthly Crowne,could-not }:lire Him to hbld His peace, and betray the innocencie of His heavenly Friend : J nd /.(}nathan a~{wered Saul hii Fa~ ther, and faid unto Him, Wherefore {hall Hee bee jlaine ~ what hath He done ~ The dread of dif: countenance from two angrie Kings, whofe indignation is as the r"Oaring of aLion, was a terrible Motive, to have made Michajah temporize: (not a Server of th,e Times, and His owne turne in theWodd, but would in this Cafe have tuned His Pipe to u1 habs pleafure~ .efpedally_encouraged ·by the flattering -concurrence of fo many falfe Prophets). But the fight of_ the mighrie Lord of Heaven and Earth fitting upon Hi~ Throne, and allthe Hoft ~f Heaven ftanding kY Him , infufed fuch ~m holy f01titude into the fpirit of this Man of • Go n ; that no greatneffe, terrour, or Majeftie of any Crowned Potentate, could poffihly . dam1t ·His courage, or dafh Him out of countenance : 'And therefore He an£\vers with a refolution, as high as Heaven, and out of a faGred pung of feraphicall zeale : eA s the Lord ,Lirveth, wha~(oerver the Lord faith unto mee, thtit will I ffieake. So that Hee may difcharge a gootOConfcience, and 'doe as·God would have Him, He·is at a Point. That Meffage, which the Almighrr had"put into His mouth, mu'fi forth; Th~Hgh it ~xpofe Him ro· a·cenfure of flngijlarity, fov diffcntingfmm .fo many of His owne