Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

.InJruefi~ns for a right '&om.fortiPJ; . . Sect ,. ~------------------------------------------------- holy One,the Lord dflife, Irfm of N~t~reih. verf. 23.• And agrine, at the clofe and c~nclufion ver. 36. leaves the fame bJoudy O:ing in thdr confciences :which rellld'ly wrought and boild w-ithin them, untill it begot a · great deale ofc':lmpunetion,terror,and tearing .oftheir . · ( ), ) ?'he wor~ in the hearts with extreame amazement and anguilh. Now vngmall figmfieth d' :whet~ thq heard thi& , thq were ( h) prick!d in ·their ao vexe, tent, an 1_ Wh h . wound punct-ually . rmtrt., ver. '-7· ereupon t ey came crymg unto Pe-· even every the leanttr, -and the reflofthe I!Apoflles : Mmand Brethren what · pm,.and point of the /hall we dot'! And fo being {eafonably led, by thecounbe~rt. If thefuarpefi iellef the Apofl:les ( i) to /;eleeve on the Name of le[UI ::~~~~e~ m~ny em- Chri-Il: to lay hold upon thepromi[e, to repent Euanbad beene all:~~~~~ gelicall y : They had the remiffion offinnes fealed unfafiened . in their to ' them by Bapti[mc, .a. nd were happily received intQ beans. m the cru~l· the number of the Samts of.God, whofe Sonne they kfi. mannc~couJdlbe had fo lately flaughtered : *Of Paul · who though be deVlf~d : they had not fr d · r. h · d '· h ha b by the tboufandthpart oo . as a Pr11oner at. t e Barre,.an m1~ t l?er ps, y ~ torrut'd them , as a. plaufible d.ifcourfe J ~lthout p1crctl!gor pardid now the fiing o~ tumlartzmg, have In[muated mtotheaff.:clrons, and. <?.on~icnce for their wonne the favours of His Hearers, who were to be Smnes, an~.the!e:n_!e His judges•and fo made way for His enlargement and '\f that hornblc gudt • ' c. c. · ' ~f crllcifjing the particular wehare·; yet He 10r all this, very :efolately Sc!Ulc of God. seele- and unrefcrvedly, croifeth and oppofeth their greedy, rum & PI'Oditioni-J ftbi luG:full and carele!fe humours with a right fearching . '.0n.(C~cum effent,ma~- terrifying Sermon of righteoufncjfe, temperance, Ana ;;e !ft~:::e~t fag;.;. judgment tti come, Afls. 2i.~4,2) . .That unhappy Felix crimen fuu~ ,~::,;:;s was a fellow polluted with abhominable adultery, g~~ntur, cQ, .i;, tm-ore and very infamous for his cruell and covetous opprefm_a~~m~atficiittur,hot-- fions~ and by confoquent unapprehertfive, and fearele.Ae ribih tlmm~er~e!Jun• of that dread-full Tribunall, and the terrours to come : tur, •tque adeoflam- h 1 h · 1 d · he S h' 1 f vm;g 11uinfern' _ W -ereupon Pau avmg . earne 111 t c oo e o dutJtur. Buc. ;:J:, £hrifr, not tt> f k.) fearc any mortall•man in the dif. punOiim t.tdo felt vul- -. · , - ' , ' ~cro. K~7ttP~il I'd, 'Pungendo Jmretro Scap.-'(1) Which is implycd in the le word~. Jn tflt! Name D[le(ll4{hr~ft. Bapti-zarim nomine Vo>nini Jefu Cbrifti,e{t Bapti[mati-s (ignoteftari r~ {'brifil I credere,adre-mijionetn pee&atorum. • P.aul. ( k) !tvidt Paulum,q,uamvi& w,_, 'Pt'in•ipt fflq11e • rctur ,nmil di,erc corum.perqu~t_ vcr'ifimtlt ei'at refoci!Jari al!im~tm i!Jiw.,ftd tali~t,qtsibtt-S etiam terretar, & mcnte CMnCHiitur. Chryf. Hom.-fl. In Ada ~l)ofi. charge