Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Affiitled (onfciences. fight, dnd guilt ~.,f ji1me~ bifort Chri$1 cures m, andbitids m up. The Holy ghoffwork£th and mnk$th-Faith ejfeau~tl! by thefe three A[fs. · . . . · · r .. Firjh i-t put an efficacy into the.L'aw,artdmak.{s that · powerfu/1 to work! on the heart; tomakg a mftn poor6t'n ! JPir~t: fo thar he may /Je fit t~ rtceive·tlte GofPe/1.--~-The JPint of bondag,e muft mak! the L-aur ejfe[fua/1: M the · Spirit of Adoption doth the (joJPell, &c. . 2.. The focond work£, r'.s to reveale Chrifl, when the · heart u prepnred by the fpirit in the firft workf~ then in the. ne~t. place, he foeJ:Ves t~e unfearchable r,khe~ ofc_hrift, what u the hope of hto,calltng,and the glortom znhemance · prepared for the Saint!: What u the exceedinggreatneffe ' of'hiJ power inthem·thatbclecve. ·J jflyweneedtheSpi- / rit to fhcw thefe things, &c. . . · · 3~ The, third 0rt of the Spirit, u, The teflimonie which he gives to our fpirit, in telling m that thefe thing; ' . ar.e ourJ'. when the·heart u prepared by the Law,and when 1 he{c.thing s are fo (hewed untrPUJ; that · we priu thcm,and lang_':aj(er them, Jet there mufl be (l tbird ihing: To tak! them to o_ur fllves; tfJ beieeve thiy are ours :. and there needs a works of the Spirit for thu. For though the pro.. - mlfes he never fo cleare, J~f ~aving nothing,6ut the pro- . miftl, you ,fall ne!!er he able'to apply them to y.our feh/n. But when theHoly qh'oft .fo~tllft~:J~ Chri.Jlu t'hine, v1/l:! thcfe thi11gs belo'!g Jo Th.ce, and God u thJ F atber.: 'When . t'bat}hiill 'Witnef{e to our [pirt.t by a workj ofhis own, Then. : , · foa/t we beleeve, &c. ~ · , ·· . . ( t ) Thi1 is the- o~det: obflrved in pur jl!ft.ijipuiof! : ( ~') :P :· B aitte in· hiJ I. Ftr,ft; There u a {ighf of ou'P:mifei:J,. tuwhich;:Weeilr't Serm. upon Ioh.j.I~> brought' bj the L~w; z.. Sec~nd!j~ 7hire. i!li.J-the :ooJpel{:P3g·:39 • , an holding forth of (hrift, · ~our redem,tion Ji'ofn. finne and deat:b. 3· Thirdly, thtre u a ·w'ork~ng ofF aith in · the heart to refton Chri{l; ~the'rt:tnfome ft;pmjinneand· · deat~; .No.w -wben:.1Lman uoome :hithir, .beutrilfi:Jtmd' real!) ;ufl.'i , · W:tc