Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. I. Cap. ~. AjffWed (onfciences. I 53 Jflqo;Io~ which kinde ofMen, ·ti1e greate!l ·part, and· . . . all worldJings wonderfully (b) aff-=Cl: and applaud, (b) They ·are ~qualJy though to their owne everlafl:ing undoing. They[well ~r~n~ortcd wnh ~dh . h Ph ·r. . ll · · · h muauon, and doung under fttch Teac ers a ar\Jalc~ conce!r,_ t at .upon f~ch . D.twben; , they are as fafe. for falv~~IOn,as;t~1e prenfefl: of th_e~: a!l; a~d, with indignation bt.!t alas !:their ~ope 1s but ltke a. hollow wall,wlucll. & h_e:m rili~.g againfl: .· being put to any fl:reffe, when the tempefl: .ofGod's P_lame-Dcalm; · holh· h b · · · {h k · · h - f fi dmR them ont of a · fearc ~ng wfr.a~ egxhns tod .-:a ed. 1t~~n t. e ~me o .a - wicked and Soule kilnall tnall <> 1t s ·trut ,an 1oun neue ; It matters m to Img Mif..conceit, to . pieces and comes to naught. Heare the Prophet: .* ~ow, bec: too ·tenibleTca- · goe, write it hefore a t.tble~ .. andn~te it- i~ a /Jo,ok.;.~ chers~ilnd ' thdr Mini .. that. it m11:v· bee for -· the time to t:ome for ever ~nd ever : fie re mtolerable. -1- · h.'J. 1.11· /l 1 . h'Jl h''' ~.Reprovedby · Tnat t u u a rcoettMUJ peop e, rymg c tta~en, c ttaren E~cbitl. that will not heafe the Law of the Lord: whu;h fay to th~ ., Ifa. 3<!1. s.&c. . Seers, Scf ~ not; ('}._and to tht P_rophet;, Prophcjie. not (c) P~pHlta .mki~ dd• unto t-u ria;ht thinu J • .. fp· c.ak£ lt:'!f.O J#• fh?o/)th thi,nu J, llrQ- vcr{ijibt nu;zc~a~· , 'I;JO/c- - , ,'<. o ' r • · - • J':. " - ~ r. bat 'Jnopterea m'Cfim Phe'ie deceits. get yow out a:~' the,w.av : t"urnc a{ide 011t e 't' I> 1 h··t · . J' ' d ' JP . 'J , 'J . · ' · . ra ro 1 • u, quo · of the path : caufe the HolJ On_e oflfrae( to cea(e from dum 'liitia ej~-U acm{a~ before UJ. Wherefore , thiU faith the Ho(J· Ol(e of If- rent,& a'riter pungt•' · rael : lJmtufe y~c rle[pi[e t~u Word~ ~nd tr1ff1_ inpppr~ rcN_t, ,Pmul Pfopinqrut ·· fion and pervcrfhcrf'e ~tnd a~,. thcre.on: . 'T.her•~'o,re thu Del tJmdtfltt · teft~s t- . . . , , . :. r IJ' ' . J•; CJ, .. •, ' ":!' _ - , rant. HNC ttrtment ' J~lfjf#t) · ~all}~~ Jo._you· if!: fJ.fre~c~ r~adj tfJ ff!U, ('tfel-_ tju{mldi verb,12 :nolite lmg fJUt ~n ~n ~~gh Wall, )flh_ofo. ln;ea/ti!,'-t ,~om~m~ (H,d.; videre) r.olite profpi- · . tlen!y at an tJ1Jianti eAnd He .ftM/1 breab.!;•t lfl_ the . ht:efl.,; r;ere r~aa: N o1t qutJtl. kj~IT o~' 'the Potters velf'e/1;· that if 6rol;·nkcn ,bee tta l~t]_ttcrentu,r. fed • 6 ~ ' • . · . , JJ• • ·. · . lr; · · .? ' ' fJ.IJid 1ta tfJfi6iuffint~ · fh..a// . ~otJPa;.c • fo tJ:at th,~J;C. fltall -no,t ~e.~ J•0~r lf1_-:.~M & motltrati~nertl re~ i?'t!Jrfht?l, of 1t, a focar.c{ to .tl(li.&-. fire fronN~e h~r:th, \Or_t~ quirerent in propbetit, tak! _'Water wit~a!/ out of the •Pit: · ~A.~Pers mth,un~ rue tam acerbt1<1 corum teJ'J'!pered morter : E.:t:.'fk...t 3 .' I I. Who er~ in the con- o~j~rrgntiones tequ' a< ccjts -~f thole ·who-are willing to be deluded by t.hem : ~ttnDfim pol]illt. Cat. Phar~es a~ the :b~!t", a r~t~en Buiid ing .ofJa).fe;-~9£; ~~pl~~ - 'flu & efftcacia · · • · . 1 • _ . ·• • • ·. • . · . • acuit & exajpe- · rat ;i ut t41tqullm immanu be/Jt~~ ·& trumlcn(ia1f: [up.m pr_omant ~ Libcnter IJ.Uidem e!udmnt : fod vclint, . nolint, "Dtum·loquen,te.m.a_udirt, ejufque,Ma jeftatem rcformidare coguntu_r.Hane amarufentilfm ftquitur ,odium'PrcphetarNr;,,infidil.t 1(e;·rores,ptr[ecutiol:es,ex ilia, c~ucJattf!, m'Y>~e$ quibU6dotlrinatn wm doEJorjbm-{ummoveri'ttc. tie(cri poffe cxiftimant . Cu· · P•~nt nmn hDmum jb1potim natro~tri.[oih.Ria, cfr.foti/cs ~~~'~ 1 <i#47ft. fide litcr dqcer i. Ibid• . ' . ' ' ' ' ~ ' . . ~~~~ " . · ..