Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

I6l lnflrutlions for a right comforting-· ·--~----- '-· Comp3red with dawbing,whofceftech are fee downc in re- (pellof J!, Gods Wonh- . But now: on the other fide:the Eff.:cb of Dawbin g and mG:n.pleafing are moJl accurfed andpeiHlent ;:in many refpecrs. . . , I. In refpect of God's Word and meffages : firfr, / •1Wt dividing it, and difpenfing them.aright. Secondly,, · D~lhonouring the Ma j elty, and weakening the power· of themmany times, with the unprofitable mixture of humane allegations, 'ofl:entations of wit, ., fine Frierd· like conceits digged with much adoe out of ,Popifh . pofl:ils, &c. Even as we may fe~ at harvefi: time a land: of good corne quite choaked·~ up with red, blew, and: . yeJ~owHowers. As King /ameJ.,doth excellently alludc1 · ·· ( ~) In tlole Pref'ace~r in the for~cited ( i ) place. Thirdly, Fearefull propha~ · h~~c~~~d~~~7l~e~: niilg ·them .by miC-application ~gainfi: G o n' s will : _ ~0,, ('k) 0l1.4king; tht heart of the rrgMeJJi!J Sad, whom Go&. (k) Ezedt. 13.u.•. l»ould,not h~vt mfZd~ , Sad: andjlrengtheningthehandt. · · · of the, ' wick~d; :thar he fooulii not returne from hu wickfcl way, !Jy promifing himlife... Fourthly; VilLmous perver~ 1 • 'fhe Mininer. ting and abnfing them.totheir owneadvantage, ap- (1) sangr4inem ejzu ·plaufe, riGng,_revenge, and fuch other private ends·:· ' Daminr'! de 'l!_a~aip~- z. In refPe·:l: of the flatterihg, and unfaithfull Mi-: · :"tatorurequu:z~,q111~ nifi:etstbemfelves.. 'Fir11:, Extreme vilene[e,Jfa.9.'IF ~p(e htme owdzt! qrf~ s· ·· dl (1) G '1 . rr. ., f !· . . . 11 bl . dlh d E !.. , eumtacmdomartzpro· econ . y, Ul ttneueo p1ntua ou e , ~e,. didit. · 3; 18. Thirdly, Liableneff: to the fierce wrath of god,;. ~· The Hc~rer in the Day of _viGtatio~,ler. 14. x;·, x-. Ki:z.~· z.z. 25'·.', 4· Both Mmtllera nd 3· In refpect ofthetr hearers; who delight 111 thetr ~e.a_rber. .r.•· lies, in theirfinoothand filken Ser·n1ons, fudden, hor~ ~~ U4omnuonl'unn · 'bl. d. 'dabl . c.r.. rr: . .'Dtilmmmciareflud" . n · e, an unavot e COlllUltOn; ha. 3o. q; 14. . · it, ttb eoruin fangui.>~e 4 , (m) Burnmg bot~l tog~ther· ;tn hell.for;ever, Wlth- - mundM fuit. ln qtta . . · · ·· · · 'UIIce aos,crmveni'11Jts, ms ctm[l rinzimm·, nos rei e!Jt·offendimrit....... f?2..t!i (upra ea mala . qu.e pr~·'· pria habemU&, altcn,u quoque mortes add1mzu: quia tot occidimU&, ·quot ad mortem zre qtJots. dietcr.idi ~· ta.,ente:rtJidemrud;regor. 'in E~~ch 16.· t H~.n- It. (rn) li.t qJJi (olucit~efTI! · 111n fiuduit, in pr<edicatione;. faCli~Nft-paiticep~mdd!llnati'one · 'ldem, l btd. Bene n9ftM fra- · t ,;er c,haril]i>ni,.lirlr 'IJ.lbis (r "'q11cn 'er {upplica[[e, & :Pa~errki [iJf:ictmdinc eommonuif!e, par.tcr p- · & cor.teftatum .e!Je~ m il/&[acrileg.u 'Ptzg,fn.orum corl[iictudinenjbfervare minime debmta, ftd q:i41ltil>i'J ad me multomm retatione parv~71it,:apud diq~tos pmtm profecit a,dl?!oilitio_me~, , quia :{i vobi& ego nond•xero·; & pro-me, & pro vobis ina!a~ttf fmn·redd,turU& ramnemm d1t j11die!t; & vobi{cum, mibi nece[[e ~terna fupp!icia {uftitJm. ego rm apu.d 'De11m abf&IC~o; dHllJ ztUJHTP al~N~ ·zteruro tz,dmoneiJ p:r.rite'f ·&.,ente~or. Aug. deTcmp. Scr. 7-ii· · ~t