Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. I. Cap.z. I!AjJli[led Confcience.r. ·cufable. See Potuls Sermon to FO!lix: eAl1s 24. 26. How (lrangely will this fellow bee confounded, and more than utterly without all excufe, vyhen hee thall meet Pa•1l at that great day, before the h1gheil: _ 4• It is right plea!ing and_P.rofitable t~ upnght ,..Comforting upright · 'hearted men and all fuch as happtly hold on ma con- men. frant and co;.1fortable courfe of Chriil:iani ty. D IJe not ' my words dogoodto.him thatwat/zythHprightly? Mic.1.7. It makes them {bllmore humble, zealous, watchfull, heaveniy minded) &c. . . . S. Hardens. the rebel~tous ~nd cont~~actous. See • Harden' the re . (f) .ifa. Chap.6. In whu:hCu.thfull Mmdlers are alfo t!cllious. mg , , . unto Gqd a fweet fovour of Chrijl, z Cor. 2.1 ~ • · (f) Pi'onrtnciat fore,ut 6. And .the Man of Go n himfelfe ihall hereafter populru ratio11e, & in- .blelfedly ( g) JUne as the hrightnej[e of the ftrmllment, teOigentia deflitutm, · ,a~d /u the Sta:res forever andever. And allt~ofe-hap-~~~~~~=~:~=!~: pte Ones whtcb he bath puld out ofHell by his down- tamen jimutadm~aet right dealing, lhall (1t) raigneand rej,oyce with Him opera prophet~, q~m! in unknowne and unfpeakable BliflC thrcugh all eter- v_u ezitialu f!t,ac.m~r~ nitie tifera ]udttn,.fo6! gt·.s· • . . . tu111 fore [acrzfte~u,. Calv. in Ifa.cap.6. E.fl quidtm hoc dittu afPcrum divinitmpropbetam mitti,qui fiHres obturtt, li&U/os ob/ina(1 &cor populi obftinet : ljNiA 'fJidmtur bte' mmime Cotn.pcttre in'Dti 111ZINram, cdeoque aliena tPeab ej~ 'Verbo. Sed 11b{urdHm 'llitltrinofldebet,fidem popt~limalitiam ultim.i exct~catione ukifoitur .-T alu ezc.rcatio tttque int/NrationoN prlftcifiitur ex natu,·a verbi,ful tzccidentalu tft,[otiqHt bominum pravitati tribuenda.Ibid.Necpem,nec verbum,necprophet~t. ptr fe quenquam .ezc.tcant. De prophet a tamtn & 'f;'trbobic dicitur.Jm_Mo &de ipfo Deo•. I oh. u. 40. Caufa;quJa verbum,quodpcrpropbetl¥4 conc1onatus t{i Deus, qutbu[dam ez accidente fit tdormortifer. Lu(cio[us c/ari.!fimaface {ibi oppoftta magiJ c.tcutiet :CatJora voz ltedet aures de- · biliorcs. Calylffusa [rigida,ejfervrfcet. S'rul. in eundem locum. 6. Procuringan happy place: to them-which ufe it. (g) Dan. u.3. (h) Et hsc '!ltcndite fratres ,quid omnes carnalcsmetlici, IJUotits adtiiJt]Ni ineorporcttgrotare 'llidtntHr; veniunt,~mniiz que eisdelellabilia tjfo videbanturabftintiNnt,& quod dulct eft, adinttgruminterdicunt• .A.Iiquotiesetiamftigitlam accipcrt non permittunt,interdum & amarij]im.1d petio~s biberecogtmt, & ajpcrrimis ferramentil vu/.. 11tra fref!uenttr1ncidunt. Hoc ergo q11odprofamtate corpllrHm earnalu medici faciunt ,pro at~i• · ~War11m {a lute fPirituales medi&iexercere contendunt. Httc ergo cogitaas fratrescharij]imi, & li:ltJ po meil qu'f._m pro veitr~ (alute rationtf!JI11t reddit~rum effe ~nte tribuwal .ettrni j11di~il ~Oil 1!,7/Drans, e/11,0 •f}erts quiJ~m,{ed{~~IJbtla V~b/4 11JCRICamenta 111gererc, ut vowcum-poflta m Angtlorum e~f~~rtJo pe1:pet11" mcrtarmcolumJtate gaudere. (See afterward, m whai fcnfc ~nerear ishere to be taken. le males nothing at all for the Popiih rotten TenenJ ofMerit.). .A.Ht,iift, "' 1t11p. Str.l'f. I. l 3 l3ut