Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

D E I? I C f.. T 0 RI E. for fome jovialllightfomndfeand mirt% fu,ch as it is; a madneffe-a.bove~dinirat_ion, Jtpd·f<?L; Iowed with infinitemiferies.And therefore;un.. till they lay certainly.hald.upnn,and really. pot:· fdfe fomething more pr~cious, furer .c_omforts, founder joyes' . wnkh may out-ballanc~ _th~ v•:eightofall worldlytreafures,and overtopthe height ofall human happindf~s~ both in excel:~ ltncy ac.d fweetneffe; tney will by no meanes,. upon no termes, fuffer t~ h} _qr~wn .. and divorced from po.ffeffion of the prefent, and the Bird in hand,a.~ they fay ;I mearre, frmn · that poore,.little, leane, imaginary notqing of ,cont~n~ment; which they{eem to ~xtracr,with · \ ' • muchado,&mofi certainlofs qfete;-ftall bEffe; .:.. \j'. '.t ' .,, ;_:' from earthly things. They wiH, in the meane · time, fticke to.the world ·as fafr, as Pherecides the l.A theni..rm, to the {hip; who. held it onthe . D1ore.with his h.:mas·; and one of therp cut:Off, ~. \ ·· He hdd it with the other ; and both being~ctit I · • off, He held it with his teeth. But -let once the weary foul~s of thefe forrper \V.o·tqfings,truly wounded, and bro.k~niri peer:e~ wit~ -~veight .of finrte,. and f~nfe ofwrath·; lepne upon; and lay downe themfelves ·in the bofoine of t11e Lord' ' .' t ... .. 1 • l Iejiu, bleeding uponrhe C£<»ife,pr'izii1g his purity as w~ll, as His Pailion·; , ta~ing Him ' . upon { r} Gods tern;es : ~rid theri :re;flecting·( () And h;-... , ·l t ., 1 • ~ . • "" t ?/t kl · . . . larned., Chernnicius tells ns: Ortln divimwefl, qttod vult'qtlidtni eVti'/Tgf'fi'Z'/rt'; ftd pauperib11/J; Vlllt (anarc fed Mmtru ~ s· ; vull pr.edicarc-dimiffio.7/em,(cd captivis ; 'IJU!t edttcere & liberare, fed vinllos hat efi:(ub pcw:toconitujo,;vultco'n[fflari,(ed trmtri(tatnr ,& lt1genw ,Vwtt·rejpictte.(ed 11ic()'lto ~ntum fpmtu .= BcnrplMitum e~ 'DnMiniifed (np~ timcnti.\Httm ,&Jif. eis,qrti [per ant ft1 pn> mz(emotdta CJI!-1; Vul!ot'cficeu, (ed taboranteJ & anrratos'; Vult coronarcmi(tricordz.t & tmfaanombw, (td caput humi!ia tum, 11prr tzt~'gidl;m ; Vttlt infu.ndere ·oftt~m mi{eri'Dfd.~. fti · -vulnerr..t Mt-&c. Exam. Deer. 1 ride~>t. p. ~.De Comrit-Cap.~· . · · with.