Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

THE EPISTLE ·· 'Wi{h afenftble arid ferious cbntempiation-, tip~ on tHat 'Fearle qf great price, of whiFE' they now .£1:atild po!feft ; by the worth wherebf,they have fealed;arid made fure 'uri•:o the'rn,a ful difcharge from the. en~:Uefix·ffe ofHelli'{htorments1 ,and 4 inoft -uhdmibted iight to cremide of Heavenly joyes {Nay ~poffeflior) given them oft he thrice glorious, and ever-bldfed Ddtie, and all His ' (r) Hit~ritatis nnflr.e perf~0ions; excell~nci~s/dic.~ties,fo £-:r~e -~s an cmni4 rwult~A r't (onte mfiQite C' 0_:1-head lS C0111lTillll1Cab!e,anda creaducedrl<lqutati.t; Viin- ture capable: I fay then,cand never b.etore,will tor.. UP.u!c. Pufihu. h r.1 d '11' . 1· 1 h ' ld c. il. pag 73 : t eyea1ty,an Wl mgy eavet etrHo -1an (u) Anim<t,q/U amat, of the w 0 Id, ·and be content for ever after to afcendil frequc_>tter ,& r. "1 h .. d . Jl. 1 1 r.. k h . Jl. c· t) tul'ritfamiliarrttr, pet ltt~ e t eU eat ell O~e? Ite. e.t etrtfUell . . plate tU azkjb Ieril[a- comf01 t, , and have thetr hearnefl: converfatton Jem,'lll/ittmdoPptrs:Jr- ( u ·) above. 3. Thirdlv Fairh bath many p· reti~ ch.11,& Prophet M ./a- . . • ' • . , iutand6 .Apojlo!oJ, ad. ous Effects : lt JUfbfies, paCifies, punfies,mor;- 11/irando exmi'U6 tifies rect ifies in all' troublefome mrnino-s of M4rtymm&co;;j£([• l?fc ,_.1 rlr. r. . c h h ,.,,. A h ~ 1 r11m &c;Aug. fo01.9 OUr Le._aQjr-1 a 10 1at1S! 1eS t e .e<'-. t. S t e IOU e p: :.: pag. ~~3~. of Man is immonall by nature~ fo it is immea- (x)C.orbutui:UI~zdc- furable in it's appetite and aflpit.:!tions edo-ed jderzo ~tenut11tu nnn · • . , , " ' b fixum, mmquii fiabi.'e Wlth an mfin_tr~ defi re. The ~oundldfe c:1 p1~ P•t~fi effi;ftd o~~no; city whereof~ can never be filled, tm:ill it. <! p- ~bllrtate volubi/uu,ae h d , d . . ., b. n. • fi a~o in aliud tranfit .pre en , an enJOY as lt s owne, an o ;e\,L m - IJUitYtlfS_ , eqMic.ilbino~ nite, :1$ Wellln eminency Of gocd, (!5 durabitjl: 111 h~<~ autnn_cadr!.-lity of time And therefore except Fairh by. . ru & tran{iloms • 111 • . . ' J ., ' .' ljttib~. ejJIJ PjjetlHA bnngmg the ~or chrtsh_nto the Soule~ give us taptz~' t~nentr~r, ~~~ ii the infinite God himfelfe and make Him our req111em m11e;.;ue nou . h x l f ' . tiJietiqNoniam efi ta11- Por;ton, t e (-), 1eart Q . Man never w1ll, or ~an ttt dir,nitatil, 111 nullu ~ DD??Hm, prtttcr {itmTJIIt 'Bormm ez (u[ftme Po/Jit. lbjd. {tun obief!um intc!ic/J;pj fie om;se ens, / mmquam tj1'4 &apacit.t.J ez p!ebitu~,ac 1 ro mlc t1 d 11lti•' il peifdiionem non perunitt , dozzte apprehtn4atttr Of!Jfit cm; qu1d ~ccu/Jt ,mmapPrelmtditHr 'IJc:tt ,qHi c!N'tinet in /t perjcCii· •nessmnlll11'1el1tillm, Pavon. DJfp. z..q.;. P1op·4· ., poffibly