Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

T H E E P I ST L E1 ( q)~id zn_ hoc mundo traline:; tread downe triumphantly before you flab1/c?~~~~d firmum ? 11. ·11 h · d n · bl d.B b 1 C 11 ( q ) !Yuid parro non breve ILl '} t C p:Unte .ua eS an a C S 01 a . . ~ ineert:tm, &caflt~ tranfirory glory, and ungo<;dly greatndfe; hold ~gn (uv!ens; .Q!.1ate frill frefh and flourifhino- i11 y· our eye .the imJfludboJtruft ,q;~tod(em • . . ..,.-e-: o . ' . per timctU amittere? mortahty.and bhffe ~:n anever-fadmg Crown; .fZrwt vet aufcrend~tm and fhine faire and ftuitfully in yom Soule ; un-:- abs te mew.u,vcla tc ·11 · r d r c · h "dil. f h relinquendu(Ci.u. Nam n lt 1et you owne 1are, 1~ t e ~1 u o t e etfinu!ioeripiaturca{u.mofc glonous and ever-dunng Kmgdom~. of vel mortecertc.p~rden · Heaven. -and having there finifhed her bldJed dum efl. £t {i Vtta lJ ~ • ' C flra tendatur per miUc Taske, reGgne you up, :md leave you 101' ever., annos,&adextremttm to the Beatificall \ifion and fullfi-uition of Ieinum to tilts diem .eta- · ' rr . tu, quotidiana volup- hovah, ~verlafimgly blened; ~nd to the end-:- tate veniam~ts; qttalc leffe enJoyment of folnej'{e ~f 1 t?JYlnd pte~(Ures, hoc qu.tfo dm efi, qr101 at His rio-ht hand even thorow all etemitie. fine deletur? A ill quu o ' iUiuJ vo!"pt1ti.o frull/14 · eft, qui ftatim ut ctftaverit, videbiturJibi non fui(Je ~ Ar_e jam,tf"tm[aClil vit~ tu.e ttmpm animo rcvolve.Nonnc r-zdcbitut tibi umbr11 qut£dii{ui{le,quod tranfit ,& in~ar fomnij tenuu in&el"tum c[fc omne, q1todvirbt11t? Hoc idem & decrepit m fenex font ire potejt; Cui convenit dicerecmn Prophet a, Dies mei Gcutumbra declin averum, & ego licur fcenu aru i• .ff<}lod fi bo~c etiam hie po[I'Jmtts dicere,uhi quam vi& vrevi&,tamcn quia pr.e(ensefl,vita i~a magni pemlitur; ~id i11 futurodjl/uri }umU'$,ubi maj!Jri .eta tu {cier.tid,tranfatlum rmm-e pt/J nihilo efl. H~c t11 temm diligenter revolvens, & brev;tatem vit.r hz;j~ts .etcrnitatu contem;_latione dejptcims, ip(um quo'h contempttJm mundi maion cum virtute contemne; & a~I!JHitH~ZntJun ditm para te, in quo mundi gloria Jinienda efi. Aug. Ep1!l. 14~. Tottr Servant for the Jalvation of ToN¥ Sotde, RonE.l\T BOLTON.