Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

-------· .~---·~=-==~-==--'= D E D I C 1\ T 0 R Y. --------------------~----------------------- poffibly bee fatisfied in this ~odd, ~r the World to come. But here betoffed contmuat-- Iy?_and torne i~ pee~es, like t~e r~ging Sea, w.tth refildfe dtfiracbons, carkmg diftontent : And hereafter roare everlafiingly in Hell with unknowne horrors ; and for the irrevocable excluGon, from the fupreame and Soveraigne Good,the ever-fprin_ging fountaine ofall peace. and plcafure, and His glorious prefence even for ever and evet'. If the Soule of man, faith Jf Hooker, d·d _(erve onely togive Him Be.:ng irt l< Lib.r.sen.u: thu life, then thmgs appertaining unto thu life would contmt Him, as we fee they doe other creatures: Which Creatures injoying what they by, feeke no further:.. but in thz.s contentatiort doe (he1v a kindeof acknowledgement, that there uno higher Good , wh,·ch doe any 1va_y belong ttnto them. With us it is othmvfe. For a/though the beauties, riches, honours, fc. ·ences, vert1tes, and pe~feuirms qf all men liv ing, 1vere in the p_re{ent pqf[~fion ofOne : yet fomewhat beyond, andabove all thu, would fli!l be {ot~t[,ht~ and earneJtly thi'rfted for. It iJ rzo marvel!, faith Greenham, if riches .fill not the Soule, for they 1vere all made for man, Hi-S Soule for God. Whatfoever u capd· ble of God, that can never bee [attsfiedwith any thiJ:g e!fe : vf /l r :~hes, all pr~ferments cannot far·sfie one Sou le : ]ut when God u come, it ufiJ!l, • and lVhat(oever z.s added more, it mnneth over. Thefe,' it nd the like,, are the mighty Workes of Faith . And even fo let this Princely,and viet:~ rious Grace, attended with all Her heavenly • · traine,., .