Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

' . .. • '· f . ' .. ·' • , .< aJt~: pun~q¥,Jy (fo(ttfy.,Pureo£9 .e~w~ffe.J, ; by. One.i.q "' · tpis:~~W!~ : ~ - fee,at[Jpr,pve,, faithpe, .by..daif.r.tx..., , p;ri~r,c.e how. p,rrw~rfflil, and , dr~ftdjit_ll a,,th;ng;_ the dark.§_... ne.ffe of'th,e-nigfot. u~ :For.:whmi.t falkth, it ~-o'l!-ercth, .and T¥~t.fffe:~- up the fi;cf .of. the. ~hole_ ,'Wor:ld. It obfcHretb;, .- ' 1 ' 'll ff.f?iffff~, ; th~ ~u.e, a_n.r.hhe fafl1t~~.4I all cr.eatures. : It 1 ' ' lli'!riA~h. 11pi aiL hfl11r/f.,, and'hret~/itth oj£1alt imploymentJ :. T he nig~t commeth., ~~tp our Saviour, , Wh'er6in wee c~t.nnqt_ ~or~~ 1~ ttrrefteth, . ~nd fitepeth · captive.all li~ ving :.:~ig~ts.,_ me11 and /Jeafo·, ,that t~ey m!df bejfill, an4 reffi .!bere, . : ~here_ k ttrrefl.ethr' them.:, y,ea it mttk.!th them.. ftar-if#ll,'-and f+~ip~-hearted; full ofi fancies ,. and. much f u/JjeCf t:O. fr-ights :. It is of all others foci!1a.poWerfull, .andJ.· Hnconq;~erahte Tjrant,).Mnomancis ab, le tp -withjfand,. And: yet neve,rtiMe§e:;. £{ i& po,t_ofi tkat 1p~~t~ ~ha! it u ah'l~ to, tJVerwhelme, or to qmnch the ltaff '!tght. m. the WOf'ld., f fir wee.ferr}'he dar:~fr t~e-nigfit.u, the, clearer the Starres {hine ;~ Tea•the leaft. c.mdles!ight, th'at i! liz_lited; withftandeth the whole .night, and!y.fujjireth not the. dar/(nrffe ~o rover; , er to [mother,, and. opprej[~ it, hut it> g'iveth /sght ~t/Jo IVe'll . in the 'l(»idde.ff: 'Cj the· dllr~e.ffe, . ~tn4 beateth it b.apkt for feme "'ace and.diftance on.every · fide of it : fo th'at which way foever jt· u,U',,or where-· fi ever it commyt.h~ , there muft dar~rze~ depar:t , , and:' .~ive. place untq. the light ; 11l/. the power, , and .the dread- - fulncf{e of it, .. cAnf!ot help,e or:prevaile oughtagainfl it•. ~!And though ·the light.. bee fo weak£1 , cani'J()t c~tfk {i gfot fa~re about, or-drive tlie darfe.Eej[e fitrre f~;,omit, Ill in, the JjulrJi.! of a-a.liot coale, yet cannon he dar,leye§e eo-· ~ vcr or conmtle, and much lejfe quench it ;· liutitgiveth. light t9 it {elfi alone at lcafl ; fo .. that it mllJ li£e: feme.~'' f arr_e '()ffin the dark~3 ·. and i~ remaijtetb um:onq!fered of t~e darf<!, thong~· it .canpot helpe other thingsnorgive· l~rsht unfo them. Tet!t (that which is· .yet more ·wonder- - foil)' a rotten~foining · peece'O} wood; which bath'the fain- - teff l~~ht, that can he foum/, ,yet remal.neth'in'!{iilcible ~f · nil th.e. p_ow.,m· o£ dark!nej[q IUJd th" ·more. it, u. c~mpaf[e4 · · - e:s6ot~lr