Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part.t. Cap.4. · eAjfl{!lea Conftiences•. . 2! nene, ~nd trc:afiire up abundantly much fpirituall • firength, and lafiing comfort againG: the evil/ 7)"1~ T 0 which, let us 9e quickned, by fuch confiderations as tbefe.: 1• This wife, and happy tre3:filring up, ef hciven~y 1 • Sw~t aU u ~ ­ hoards , an~ comfOrts of hohn~e arorchand, Wlyl fir s: en_ - 0 r dl fwcctly mollifie, and attay-theblttc:rndfe, and tinart, . . of that heavindfe and forrow ; of thofe fearc:full · mazements, and oppreffions of ~irit, naturally incident te times of trouble, and feare; wb'ich ordinarily doe very gricvouOy O:ing,and.f.l:r.ike th?row t,he hearts of carnall and fecure Worldhngs, fWI rage,and the v.c:ry flafhc:s, and fore-taf.l:es of Hell. Of all other paffions of the Soule, fadnefle, and griefe grates mofl: · upon the vitall fpirits; dries up foonef.l: the.frefhdl: · marrow in the bones ; and mof.l: tenfiblyfuckes ounhe .putefr, and refinedf.l: blou4 in the heart. All the o6... jects of lightfomneAe, and joy, are drowned in :an~ heavie heart,even as the beauty of a Pearle;is ditfolved. in Vineger. Now the: onely Cordial!, and Counterpoyfon againf.l: this ·dampe of light-heartednefie, and Cut-throat of life, is the fecretfweetndfe,and fhinin~ : pleafure of that Onepe4rle of great price ; three orient rayes whereof, are righteoufneffe 4nd peace, and j'o.J in lUtdt.rJ· 4 '• the Ho)y Ghoft treafured up in the Cabinet of agood Rom. I 4• 17. to~cience. The glory, pretioufnetfe, and power ofMattb.u.H· which hidden treafure, purchafed with the fale of all , finne, dothmany times fhine fairelieG: Hpon the Soule, · in the faddeG: times; infpires for the moll: part into the hearts of the owners, the greatell: courage,, and conRancy of fpirit even in the dayes of adverfity,and vex.. ation ; inables th!=m to digdl, and beare without allf great wound, or paffion thofe crotfes., and cruelties, which would breake the backe, and crufh the heart of the il:outeft T empori;;;.er. Was there not a great dc:a!e: of difference thinkc y<m, betwixt the heart of He.u- m.h ~ · kflfh, who hAll ,Mlk!d hifore God in truth, and with.; a1a 3 • B 3 perftfE ' ~ '