Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Se~ •. X1e rpinable Be/irtll to tremble at the root, .and. f~llrafunder· , il .his P.r~afl: hke drops of water !.To have his. end in . bheye ; .and feriou{]y to.remember the tribulation~and , angui(h. that thalHhortly come upon His Soule, the · afBiCl:ion,the W.ormewood, and ~he gall,thould fright an& fire Him out of all His filthy, gracdeffi:,. goodfellaw comfes 1 ·- · 3· Thedi~erence ~e · ?· Th!rdly, Let them~oriGder, what-h·orror it will tweenethetrbc~m•or be 1n evtll tunes, _l m~qe, not onely at death and the · and. the b~ha~Iourof Ia!t Day which are the:mofr terrible of all · but alto . holy men mumeaof - · • ' ·. · · ' ' · adverlity. ·· · In ttmes of dtfgrace-and·contempt ;_of CO!nmop feare, , · · and C'?~~f~!i_ons .of tq~_ita~e ;.-_offickneffi:, _crof!Os,, re~. fl:raint, banitbment, ,temptations, _or.any othyt dayes ~ offor~ow ; I fay at fuch times,t.o findc in !l:eJ.<fofpeace, fiery fcorpions m their ~on1ciences, inn~lnerable'!ins . - . gra.~en -,there, .with ,an. iron penne, , un,r~~1,1ted <{ 1' "":lnte omnestt'lb~la - Heare, hG.w. ifXCellently * ~uftin fq.retels -and . fore- - ' tumes .buman.e amm..e -• ' · · t_:_ • • 1 .. c. 1· · · d. r. · C..1111. nulla efi mt~jfJr trib.N- wan}tS , tu~m, m to w ~at a ror \'rne _an . rea re nu ~rate, . la,t io,quam con[cimtia -;theY,.. !f1all mo!l: certamel y. fall, . w ~en after a ..fhort · delictorum.N amtjliibi .gle~me , of worUI y gl~ry, . they fall ~nto t~n peftuous . '/)~!nU& ;,olifi:,fa.nun;/h anq_ ~i:.o. ubJefom~.t~mGs.:. Of.alJ afni,Cl: ·;..iQ_ns incident to . fit .m~t?S ~ommu, quod the Soule r.of1 m~n _ there:is nQnc-more grievous and con{c ltnlla vacatur; .• . ·.- .. . - • i · '·· · · • · ·- • • • ·' . ' vbiCUI;~ alibi pa!Ju, tr~n~enqent. ;, the~ to : have_~be ' COJl[qen<;e)en~ag~d fulrit tribu!ationes,it. With the gq1ltrof :_!mne.: If_ there pe no wound there, luc~on[ll[,irt,&_ ibiin- i( a!l,be;fa(e !lnd foundwithbl, 1 if that bird of: thelb~ ­ ~~nltt D_eum. S~aute~ fo~c; q9~ , [ ~~etel Y' iu a .1nans b_r~h; ,it i~ n0.matter, . ~~~!;~~a~~f1f~f;~~- ~ha~ _m1f;r~es. b_eabro_a~ 1~ t~enwo,rlFl ;·wha.tHQrmes, . t({tum, qu.oniam & ibi or ih~re~ be ag~tnfl:.Htm. Wh;tt 9_f. fkfu, , D,eJ.fJ non tff, ,quidf a- Qf rage offo~s befet:Hun round : For l:k-Jn this Cafe 1 , tlurt-!J ~fl bomo ? f?<3:o hath .prefentl y. recourfe unto His confcience, .the ufeft · con!j,gut .. · C'I/~1 CIV!J.erll Sat1d:uarv and Paradife of fweetefl: repofe and find~- tum tHLulatwnescFu • · , J ·' •• • h h f · ' · gi~tab agro adciv ~tttt c mg} fprw~kJ~d Wlt t · . ~~.loud 0 the ~!'lffib~,~U~d ' 'j(pubiico ad domtJm , a . . .. . domo adQubiculum,& (eq~itur ~rib11iatiP ·. A wb~~~~~j;rm quo fugict,mm.hdbet ad &ubi le (uum. Porrafi ib'Ou,mitltt-!J eft,ft fumU& lrflqJotatV.,(i fteleri&, nonil!ucpotell · C~J:>t/i.tger.e,-PeUttm· tr·im inde';&·cum inde pellitm:/z]ei1{o pcllitur,. ~l e~ce hoftcm/uum invt'Jiit, . fJ~.o 'onfuprat, .fe ip(rtrtt iJi'?f:U.t!ttmu efl·. fi?..!!ocunque fo~eritfo,tqlaJft~ahit- poiJ ft. :· & quo- ~lt7!!1Ue_ tfllc!J1 tr.a~e; ltft•'·""~Cfi!,. ,)n P!alm. ;Jt6('f•:S01..· ; , • . . with';