Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

crl Di f orirfe oftale happinefp. Ìfo greatfalvation and happineffe, tendered unto her by her Spoufe. Yea,andat length, after (hee is refolved to renounce her pleafures, and in fome good .meafure bath conquered her inwardcorruptions, fo that Thee opens the bore and fol- lowes Chrif ; befidesother troubles and encumbrances fhe findes abroad, ;Xhe very Watchmen that ( hould have told her the way,anddireaed her afterher Spoufe, even they fet upon her, and finiteher, and wound her, and take away her vaile. Every man then that will come under the banner of()wilt; andhave part in the conquef}, muff, togetherwith the new man, put on a Chriftian courage, both to tame and repreffe the rebellions of his owne Beth, and to withftand and repel]. alfàults andperfecutions fom abroad. The fixth rea.fon, wherby the fbrmall hypocrite doth falfe- lyperfwade himfelfe tobe inElate of true happineffe, may be an obíervation of thedeath and ends of other men.; whofè lives,heperfwades himfelfe, come (port of thofe perfections and degrees of goodneffe he findes in himfelfe. As ifhe take notice of a notorious firmer, whoupon his deaths -bed by a perfáne ory (hew of penitency, and fome formali ejacula- tions for mercy and pardon, makes the world beleeye he dies . a Saint. Or ifheobferve the end of anhoneft civili man, .yet never acquainted with the power of grace, to be quiet, peaceable, and confident, without impatiencie, feare or de 1paire; he prefently out ofa comparative examination ofhis owneRate, (which he findesnotonely free from notorious fumes, but befides moral]. honePty, graced with outward re- ligioufnes) I fay, he prefently conceives his owneworkes in refped oftheirs, to be workes of fupererogation ; his owne life certainely tobe without all exception, and fo himfelfe without all dangerof damnation. And this conceit isnota- bly confirmed, if there follow forte glorious and flattering Panegyricke of funeral" commendation. For then he holds theafluranceof his happineffe tobe fealed unto him by the mouth ofthe Mininer; and íöwith refolution andobflinacy, (ticks fail in this prefentflate, andwill no further. Mi(take me not in this lafl point, beloved in Chrift Jefus : Fa For,i VI.